Choose a good way to wash baby clothes in the variety is not easy. Bona fide producers who not only monitor the quality of current products, but also invest in refining and developing the product, the study of children's audience, research among parents, not so much. Its recommendations on the choice of household chemicals and the basics of caring for baby clothes specially for our readers shared the head of the Clothing Company "World of Childhood" Sophia Trusyuk:
- The most safe and effective means are made from natural raw materials. For washing clothes toddlers from birth to 6 months is desirable to use a neutral soap or a special baby soap powder. For children older than six months, you can use a wider range: powder or liquid. But I recommend to give preference to where the label is an indication of "children" or "childish". Such tools are suitable for frequent intense washing, they contain milder surfactants and contain no phosphates, causing irritation and allergy. Good producers take care to not remedy dryer and did not irritate baby's skin, add natural extracts (aloe, chamomile, calendula, nettle, and others).
All detergent children underwear should definitely go toxicological and clinical trials on which the documents are issued by state standard, demonstrating the safety of the product. Parents should pay attention to the label and information on the packaging: the composition, the recommendations of GOST mark, or specification. Not recommended as a means of breaking the rules.
Please note that for washing children's clothes children under 1 year in any case can not be used "adult" detergents. It may seem that such powders are washed more pure, but, looking deeper, we can see that the purity and whiteness are not always safe for the baby's skin. Most universal means for washing clothes contain optical brighteners, which are not washed off completely and for the children's clothes are not acceptable.
There are certain rules for the care of children's clothing. More stringent requirements apply to washing things for babies. Underwear for children under six months should be washed by hand baby soap or soap powder, followed by boiling or washing machine at 900 ° C. Product of the second layer preferably washed at 600C. For children older than clothes washed the extent of pollution in the mode specified on the product, as with the use of funds for washing baby clothes.
Pay attention to the regime of rinsing. Despite the fact that the "correct" children's media rinse easier, we recommend and hand, and machine washable rinse product somewhere in half to two times more intense than adult clothes. Should not be ignored and pressing: it allows you to remove harmful bacteria and microbes from the surface of clothing.
To facilitate working moms can use dry cleaning services. For children's clothes there is a variant aqua-cleaning: it is carried out with gentle composition of reagents and is considered environmentally safe. Despite this, children's underwear, I still advise you to wash at home, following our recommendations.
Compliance with the basic rules of caring for baby clothes, care in selecting household not only facilitate the work of many young parents, but also allow for a long time to save the baby's skin soft, velvety, and most importantly - healthy!
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