It would be nice to eat a magic pill and get better (lose) - so many people think of those who want to adjust its shape. But the fact is that a quick solution to the problems of excess or lack of weight has not come up and it is unlikely in the near future will come up. Therefore, the sooner people dissatisfied with their figure, down from "heaven on earth", the faster it will solve your problem.
Consider what you should pay attention to those who suffer from a lack of weight. In the first place - to determine whether there is a lack of weight, or a particular constitution and heredity. Many people tend to lose weight, having a normal weight (in this case, in opposition to nature), but there are those who want to gain weight in spite of its genetics.
Determine your optimal weight needed on several formulas, and be sure to pay attention to their health (physical and mental). If a normal person feels he needs no stimulants (coffee and chocolate), it responds adequately to the environment, while the last six months, the weight rests on one level - in this case is likely to weight and body structure is consistent with the deposit, which derived from nature.
To make it easier to find your ideal weight, experts have developed special formulas. First of all, you must specify the type of self-constitution. The most simple way - measure your wrist at its narrowest point.
* If you received less than 14 centimeters - asthenic body type.
* If the wrist from 14 to 18 centimeters - normosthenic physique.
* The wrist size over 18 inches - giperstenicheskoe physique.
French anthropologist Paul Broca suggested that the most simple formula for determining ideal weight. Ideal weight is equal to the growth of minus one hundred. But this weight is considered ideal for women from 40 to 50 years. For young women 20 to 30 years, it has to be reduced by 10-12% and for women over 50 years - more than 5-7%.
American scholars offer their formula for calculating your ideal weight: ideal body weight = 50 kg plus (height in centimeters minus 150) multiplied by 0.75.
For example, during the growth of 170 centimeters is obtained: 50 kg + (170 - 150) x 0,75 = 65 kg.
Pretty sure you can determine your ideal weight by Quetelet index. For the calculation is necessary to divide your weight (in kilograms) by height (in meters) squared. Norm is considered a value not exceeding the 20 - 23.8.
Determining your body type, correct the result. If you have an asthenic type, then subtract the result from approximately 10%, while giperstenicheskom - on the contrary add 10%.
If after a thorough and self-critical inspection it turns out that with the weight all right, we must accept this situation as it is and not try to go against nature, trying to gain weight.
If it turns out that the weight really is not enough, and besides the last few months have been lost a few pounds - it is necessary to move to the second point to combat low birth weight.
Sometimes the lack of weight is the outward sign of internal medicine. For example, a malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, or excessive activity of the thyroid gland can lead to weight loss.
Naturally, in this case, no food, and special exercises will not contribute to weight gain. If you notice any problems with internal organs must strictly follow the advice of a doctor and if it does not contradict the treatment, use the "home" methods of gaining weight (diet, exercise and so on).
If a person has been a lack of weight, and while there are serious problems with health, then you can try to solve this problem. Only need to understand that if there is no tendency to weight gain, the men will be hard to be like Arnold Schwarzenegger, while women on Marilyn Monroe, but, nevertheless, to collect the missing pounds by virtue of all. The rate of weight gain of course each person is unique, but the best option - a set of 1 kilogram per month, subject to all rules.
The human body - is self-healing system that is constantly trying to solve health problems (and the state figures, in particular), so to gain weight, you must create favorable conditions for the life of the organism. First and foremost, pay attention to three aspects: rest, exercise and nutrition.
Recreation - seemingly the most simple and natural process, but people with low birth weight on vacation should focus particular attention. Above all, remember, the main breaks - a night's sleep. Whatever processes (positive or negative) in the body does not occur, they develop during the night. Muscles grow, and as a consequence of gaining weight, too, at night. Of course we are all different ("larks", "owl") and each has its own sleep habits, but that's why we must strive to "golden mean" - to go to bed between 21 and 22 pm, and wake up between 6 and 7 am.
The second aspect that needed attention, talking about proper rest - a change of occupation. Very bad for health if people are constantly sharpened on a single issue. Preferably during the day to switch to different activities. This will be useful to all - and others, and the man himself.
Proper exercise is very important for those who need to gain weight. Ideally, of course, you can go to a fitness center and do it under the guidance of a coach with a special program. Whom this is not an option, you can do so - 1 hour fast walk during the day. This would increase the appetite and nutrient absorption.
Here we come to power. The main mistake that people make gaining weight - it increased intake of food rich in proteins and fats. The fact that the body of any person can learn only the nutrients it needs, everything else is deduced by the body or delayed as a reserve.
As practice shows, "in reserve" the body can only postpone the fats. Surplus of all other nutrients (minerals, proteins, vitamins) are derived from the body. Try a half-liter jar to pour one liter of water - half a liter of water spilled. And in the body - if thin people eat through the power of a kilo of meat per day - he did not recover for one kilogram, and will only create additional stress on the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, people are gaining weight in the first place need to balance the power. The diet should be fruits and vegetables, carbohydrates (cereals, potatoes), proteins (peas, beans, meat, fish), fats - preferably of vegetable origin.
Indian science Ayurveda advises thin people eat warm, dense, soft foods and beverages, oily food. Prevailing tastes in food: sweet, salty and sour. There can be up to full. Cereals: rice, wheat, sprouted wheat. All dairy products, any vegetable oil. Any sweet fruit, melons, watermelons.
Vegetables expose weak thermal treatment (quenching) - beets, carrots, asparagus, new potatoes, cucumber, braised leeks. Any kind of nuts. Spices: onion, garlic, ginger, cinnamon, black pepper, cumin, salt and cloves. Foods of animal origin: a goose, fish, duck, lobster, horse meat, chicken, lamb and eggs.
Weight gain long-term process, and to go a long way to go slowly (in this case, picking one kilogram per month), looking from side to side (ie, studying additional literature), and pondering each step (not to torture the body heavy diets, pills or cocktails for weight gain).
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