Woe from Wit
There is a branch of medicine: etiology and science on the causes of diseases. Starting the flu, for example, it explains a diversion from the virus, and cancer - a malfunction in the immune system destroys cells mistakenly believe that genetic information. However, even in the midst of the epidemic, many remain healthy, and with oncological illnesses, fortunately, not all face.
Scientists interested in the question: the disease choose us or do we it? It turned out, the choice, though unconscious, is still very often remains the man.
Philosopher and healer Vitaly V. caravan that many people know of them developed balm, believed that the egoist is much more likely to get sick from allergies, or cancer than altruistic. If you do not care about others, treat them with hostility, the cells of your body do the same - they begin to produce antibodies against their own kind, or proliferating at the expense of everyone else, as happens during the formation of tumors.
However, microscopic invaders can call to order a mental effort - this confirms the story of 9-year old American, Ben Duskin, who plunged into a computer game to defeat the dreaded disease - leukemia.
Virtual Healing
The plot for the game developed by special request: a boy destroyed painted a web designer cancer cells proliferated in virtual containers - and thus the abnormal white blood cells and disappeared from his own blood! Scientists are not in vain liken the brain biological computer, the subconscious mind - the virtual world electronic games, and herself (under the condition that the player returns to the process) is considered a peculiar form of mental samokodirovaniya. This method of treatment have already adopted 35 000 patients with leukemia.
Thoughts of Home
Kinosyuzhet favorite: the heroine's soul is not in place, and it literally turned inside out. Well, if the path to the heart is through his stomach, then the converse is also true - when the heart is heavy, for good digestion can not count. And even nausea, body language expresses inner protest against the situation. And what is happening throughout the body?
Digestive organs. Annoyed because trouble can and intestines. He begins to be lazy or work in an accelerated mode, if you think about the bad. Corrosive nature - a direct path to a stomach ulcer, gallstones thoughts lead to problems with liver and gallbladder, and turn green with envy because of failures in the spleen. Thought so at the time of Hippocrates, and modern doctors do not deny such a link.
Bleeding. Particularly sensitive ladies often react to experience nasal and uterine bleeding. Rate of formation of thrombus occluding a vessel depends on the psychological state. When you are worried about the blood clot more slowly. It is necessary to calm down - and roll the system back to normal. That is why the healers so easy to "speak the" blood - under their lulling murmur of serious thoughts evaporate from your head, and filled with optimism to the body restores the impaired function.
Mastopathy. "It hurts from thinking chest!" - Have complained to doctors heroine of Chekhov and Dostoyevsky. They did not exaggerate - psychological distress leads to the hormonal failure in the female body, which affects breast cancer (and not only them). Breast compacted, becomes painful - so heartache is transformed into the physical.
Postpartum depression. Through it pass very many. It can inhibit ovarian function and infertility if not drive away bad thoughts and not to inflate the soul spark fading joys of motherhood.
Ancient Science
This psihosomatologiya. It examines the influence of emotional state on the physical has been almost 200 years. Its founder - the German physician Johann Christian Heynrot - the first of the doctors started talking seriously about psychosomatic disorders - from the notorious disease of the nerves, about which so fond of pacing humor. "Most of those diseases which we are most afraid of" - so claimed the Czech humorist Leszek
If you are afraid to cut yourself every time shinkuete vegetables or tuck a foot on icy pavement, this is what will happen to you - not the law of meanness, but just imagine, by virtue of self-programming.
Persisting in some favorite fear, such as darkness, height or AIDS infection, it is easy to bring yourself to a panic attack, reminiscent of a heart attack or stroke.
But the same suggestion can be cured of ulcers, asthma and migraines, get rid of bad thoughts that support their existence. Try it - you need to succeed! After all, the story of his illness in the long run creates the man himself.
British scientists describe a unique case when a fat woman who could not manage to lose weight, once asleep, clearly presented as running on an endless road, shedding excess weight, and the next morning woke up the whole "in the soap, often with a beating heart - and five pounds is gone!
Rating psychosomatic disorders
* 1 st place - digestive disorders - gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis, biliary dyskinesia
* 2 nd Place - skin diseases
* 3rd place - Tiki
* 4 th Place - endocrine problems, from obesity and diabetes to menstrual irregularities and infertility
* 5 th - migraines and other pain syndromes
Personal risk factors
* You are nervous and irritable person, you can easily deduce from yourself?
* Throws a violent reaction on any occasion?
* Stuck on negative emotions, always find something to complain about?
* Having trouble when you have to get used to new people, places and circumstances?
* You are closed and restrained in expression of feelings, distrustful, anxious, sensitive, do not believe in yourself?
* Do you stress?
* Caught in a stressful situation at home or at work?
The more affirmative answers, the higher the risk of psychosomatic disorders.
What will hurt?
To answer this question, no need to go to a fortuneteller or constitute medical horoscope - is enough to talk with a psychologist. And you can try on the psychological portraits of various diseases, to understand which of them threaten you.
However, even banal cold clings to us when we lose heart, and this may even happen because of the frequent quarrels in the family - in fact pessimistic undermine immunity.
The assertion that cute curse - only amuse, not true. It is home, not office conflicts inflict the most devastating blow to the immune system.
Your portrait?
Danish Professor Jørn Beckmann monitor the 374 men and women. Those who were not tortured gloomy thoughts and the guilt complex, distinguish between good and sweet temper, optimism, love of neighbor, they almost never have influenza and non-chronic illnesses.
But the stubborn, self-reproach, negative attitudes towards themselves and others, disappointment and suspicion, vindictiveness and aggressiveness, vulnerability and resentment, the constant concern and self-doubt, excessive anxiety and nervousness, as it turned out, on the contrary, shook the immune system, reducing by half the body's resistance any infections.
It turns out that a surge of negative energy inhibits the function of many organs, supporting the body's natural defenses.
American doctors of the University Hospital of Ohio conducted another study. They tested 50 couples who have lived a long time in marriage. Immunological blood tests carried out repeatedly, showed that a spouse who several times a week, find out the relationship, decreases the body's resistance. This increases the risk of catching an infection of cancer and reduces tempered destiny today. Particularly affected by family squabbles women: their immune system was more vulnerable than the stronger sex.
Your actions
* Think about the family with love and not skimp on the kindness! They cause increased release the hormone oxytocin, which brings happiness and increases overall resistance. Research scientists have confirmed: tender - the only cure for which there is no overdose!
* Cry when it hurts! English scholar William Frey, who studied the chemical composition of tears, convinced: they help to burn. But the relief only bring emotional tears, removing of toxins and support the protective forces, and reflex tears, caused by slicing onions or horseradish, is a gift. Unshed tears seemed to congregate in, suppressing the immune system. It is no coincidence iron ladies and knights without fear and without reproach, whose eyes are always dry, and live shorter lives and are sick more often.
* Do not dismiss out of trouble. Many people try not to think about them closing their eyes to the problem. Triggered psychological defense, which experts call displacement. The brain is trying to erase the memory disturbing information you need, driving it to the conscious level at the material. It seems everyone has forgotten, but driven into the subcortex unpleasant memories debilitating. That is why it is so important, each evening to arrange "debriefing", noting the words and deeds that have caused even a fleeting psychological discomfort. Try to consciously rid of negative emotions - then they become a source of disease.
In helmet neuroticIt is not true that the most radical remedy for headache - Guillotine: just learn to think positively! From bad thoughts skull begins to crack: it is the tension headache that delivers the greatest amount of trouble people today. Issued its "hat" - so-called neurotic helmet - worn 90% of the victims pain. Image correspond to reality: head, neck and shoulders tighten in the powerful grip of painful indurated muscle, which located in the nervous system stress does not relax: a classic example of a psychosomatic disorder!
Prone to tension headaches are easily recognizable by young ladies constrained movements, poor posture, anxiety, disturbing facial expression, between its legs lips and frowning brow, narrowed eyes and premature wrinkles. No gold thread, grinding, braces and other cosmetic tweaks are not smooth out the skin if you do not learn to relax - both emotionally and physically. Otherwise, you and you go to a vicious circle of pain, in which stress causes muscle tension, clenched muscle draws on his face a mask of grief and sorrowful facial expression strengthens the internal alarm.
Your actions
* A glass of warm milk with a teaspoon of honey will calm the nerves and provide the body with calcium, the lack of which increases muscle spasm and the excitability of brain cells. Drink milk and honey drink for the night and go to bed, putting under his head and knees folded blanket roll: on the waiting session anger management!
* Exactly, and breathe deeply through your nose, close your eyes, first relax the facial muscles (the lower jaw slightly otvisnet), and then one by one - muscles neck, shoulder, chest, back, arms, abdomen, hips, buttocks, legs and feet. Stay in a state of rest for 2-3 minutes. Then take cover with a blanket and think about pleasant.
* Relieve headaches and relax the muscles antistress tea. Lightly brown the dandelion root, mix with equal parts lemon balm and nettle deaf, grind in a coffee grinder, pour a teaspoon of a mixture of a glass of boiled water, in a thermos for 2-3 hours. Drink the tea for 3-4 weeks, and if necessary, longer, in the following amounts: in the morning and afternoon - a glass of the evening - two.
* Prepare a fragrant bath clamped muscles. Put in a linen bag teaspoon juniper berries, 2 tablespoons mint, oregano and lavender and place it in hot water. Wait until it becomes warm (40 °), and soak it for 15-20 minutes.
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