Miriam Gershon, a child psychologist, teacher:
- If you want to know the exact value of the beloved children of color, you should go with the child the appropriate test. Psychologists are engaged in - hromoterapevty. One of the most popular color test is a test of Dr. Max Luscher, who developed the simplest method to determine the psychological state of man in his preferred colors.
So, what can be said color preferences for your child?
If a kid falls on all blue and blue - he already has the adult world, he appreciates the balance in your life.
Blue - the color that is often "impose" the boys. Therefore, a child can choose his habit.
Love the blue hues displays tranquil character. Typically, such children are rarely capricious love to contemplate, and addicted to quiet play, such as designer. Babe, who is reaching for darker shades of blue, may be suffering the blues. He is pensive, sad. Perhaps this choice was related to the impression of a sad tale, which the child read.
And in cases where a child chooses clothes exclusively in shades of purple, be sure: the growing future actor!
Kids who love purple, often fond of drawing, modeling in clay. These guys love to pretend play with friends, happy to participate in the New Year's performances in kindergarten. A still small purple lovers are often secretive and cunning. Such a child is able to transform into an obedient angel naughty.
Toddler who loves yellow, set to a huge victory in life. Such a color as a child choose leaders, future businessmen, politicians - influential people. Amateur yellow smart, he has a rich imagination. Often, these kids love to dream, to play the strategic game alone. They are obedient, but too dreamy. Sometimes their imagination takes them away, and they find it difficult to switch to a reality. But in the future fans of the yellow waiting stunning victory, a serious career, and possibly power.
Yellow - one of the best children's elections, suggests a supportive atmosphere at home and at school. Some children just can not stand this paint - often indicates a situation of discomfort in the family.
PinkMany girls love pink. It speaks of femininity, trembling, emotion. Girls choose pink because the color they associate with doll clothes, flowers, children's cosmetics. Pink girl's toy makers operate, so the girls' affection for him to explain. But if a boy likes pink alert: this choice is usually shown on the weakness, uncertainty, the search is closed. Often pink love boys who do not feel accepted and understood in their environment. However, in some cases, boys choose pink because of associations with sweets or high emotion. In addition, the color pink calms children.
Lovers of red is very expressive. Attachment to this color indicates that the independent attitude, leadership, desire for popularity and praise. These children are very energetic, lively, purposeful. They are easily teachable, quickly begin to read and write.
However, many guys who love maroon or red shades, are unbalanced. Pay attention to the toddler, who suddenly fell in love with the dark shades of red. The gamut from Bordeaux to brown in his drawings often means that a child needs rest, peace of mind.

OrangeThis color prefer natural born optimists. Such children are open, cheerful and talkative. Small orange fan has a wide range of friends, easily comes in contact with adults, causes excitement surrounding its bold directness. In some cases, love for the orange color is due to nervousness. These children are impressionable and the most insignificant little thing can cause them hysterical. In addition, the orange-lover, as a rule, has a wide variety of hobbies - painting, sports, strategy games and so on. But his list of interests is changing rapidly, every hobby, he is superficial. By the way, the love of bright shades of orange indicates good health and great physical shape.
It all depends on the shade. The green color is quite complex. If a child loves lime hue, it says the serenity and optimism. Such children are endowed with a deep intellect, they have developed imagination and analytical mind. But if the child prefers dark-green alert: as a rule, it closed like kids who feel misunderstood in their environment. Dark green usually like guys who are not feeling the protection and care of parents. They are afraid of change, dominating self.
In general love for all shades of green means idealism, generosity and ambition, until the destructive self-criticism and fear of making mistakes. In fact, many psychologists believe: green discourages have a sweet tooth!
White color is like observation and at the same time, the shy kids. These children have developed emotional intelligence - they are sensually analyze everything that happens around them. Often white fans already have their own point of view, their children's value system, which is not similar to that which they impose on adults.
Loved the white color in the child often demonstrates an innate talent for philosophical reflection. Such children have a rich inner world, they are spiritually advanced, but much more closed than peers. By the way, dislike of white, sharp rejection of the white color may serve as a signal that the child psychologically losing touch with his mother in some of its charges, their relationship is not smooth.
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