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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Choosing a cage for birds

Before you bring a new feathered pet in the house, should prepare everything for him comfortable and happy stay at the new location. To the bird to feel good, you must obtain expert advice or to check the special literature. All this will help you make the right choice according to the size and lifestyle of your pet. In this article we have prepared the main recommendations that should be followed when buying a cage.

Size and shape of birdcages
Many young poultry believe that for every bird is good huge large cage, as in the wild there is virtually no boundaries for the flight. In fact, for each species of birds require a certain cell size. In too large a cage bird will feel uncomfortable. Birds that live in too big for them to cells, rarely sung, be difficult to tame, and, as a rule, still spend time only a small part of the cell. Ability to fly freely around the cage making a bird a timid and not adapted to the room conditions. Insectivorous birds often die in captivity because of improperly selected cells.
Too small cells do not contribute to comfort the feathered pet. Content in the cell, limiting movement, may lead to unpleasant consequences: the bird can break off the feathers on the wings and tail, or even die from obesity. Minimum cage size should allow its inhabitants to fully open its wings without touching the walls of the cell.
As to the form and execution cells, there are also individual approach is important. So, for example, skylarks, starlings, quails, nightingales, thrushes needed cells, the top which is made not from twigs and made of thick cloth or foam rubber. These birds tend to fly upward, so you need to make sure that fearful individuals with hasty take-off is not injured.The design and materials birdcages
A good cage should be made from safe, non-toxic materials. Impermissible use of cells with copper or zinc parts. Dwelling birds should be strong enough not to have sharp corners and other parts that could injure the bird. Door cells shall be permanently closed.
In the cell you want to organize perch. They should be placed at a distance from each other, the bird would jump at them, flapping their wings a bit. In this case, sitting on a perch, the bird should not touch the tail of the cell wall. The optimum thickness of perch - so that the bird could almost completely encircle it with their paws. Place perch, as well as feeders and drinkers, should be so that they are not contaminated droppings.
In the cell have to be retractable bottom, better metal. At the bottom of the cage roll in a large, washed, river sand, which improves digestion. Sand can be replaced with sawdust, a mixture of sand and ash, or a special absorbent paper.
Having defined the type of bird songs that you want to hear in your house, move responsibly to the choice of cells, and then your feathered pet will give you joy and good mood.

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