Strong abdominal muscles will help you to stay slim. And presented a set of exercises will engage even those mothers who have a diastasis.
After the ceremonial arrival of the hospital, when the first and most exciting days are gone, you're finally starting to pay attention to yourself. "The bruises under the eyes, paleness, blurred waist, hips, not yet podtyanuvshiysya stomach. All this will pass and returns to normal. You can also find a small oblong bulge in the abdomen that does not go, whatever you exercise and do not deprive yourself of calories. This bulge is called diastase (discrepancy recti on the white line), which often occurs during pregnancy. Unfortunately, after the birth Diverged muscles themselves are not connected. And all this at a time when you just need to strengthen the abdominal muscles to reduce the load on the spine.Exercises for the abdomen during diastasis, cesarean section
When diastasis is impossible to do conventional exercises for the press. After birth, it becomes a real problem, because it is necessary not only to lead the body in order, but also to strengthen the safety net for the press back. After all, it lays a huge load! And in the first year of life you have to "load" back quite strongly. According to statistics, about 90% of women experience back pain during the first months after birth, while 70% of new mothers after a period of active care for the child deteriorates posture.How to check yourself in the presence of diastase
Lie on your back, bend your knees, feet rest on the floor. Lift your head and fingertips to probe the middle of the abdomen from the top down or bottom up. You can feel the hollow between the two rectus abdominis. This diastasis. If you define it in yourself, you should wear a constricting bandage every time you do the exercises at the back. To do this, take a strip of thick cloth or towel length of about 150 - 160 cm and width 15 - 25 cm, and wrap it around his waist, tie a knot and grab a region. Or tie it to the back and lie down on the node before performing the exercise.
If you had a caesarean section before starting any exercise for the abdominal muscles, wait until the joint is fully healed. However, you can perform the following exercises in the first days after birth, is: "Cat Pose," which helps to strengthen the press, but also prevents the occurrence of diastase, if performed during pregnancy, "Elevator," "Cut", "Kegel exercises" , "Breath of the stomach", "static stretching" and "Rotate shoulders." Most physicians are in favor of starting regular workouts, if after vaginal delivery was 6 weeks and 10 - 12 weeks - if the child was born by Caesarean section.
When you do, it is important not only to breathe correctly. Of great importance is the ability to properly retract the stomach, before you do this or forceful movement, you can even just take the child into his arms. Through this you zadeystvuete transverse abdominal muscles, the deepest that surround your torso like a corset. Strengthening the transversus abdominis muscle protects your spine and makes the stomach more flat. At the core exercises is an isolated study of these muscles.
The action of the transverse muscle is directed from front to back. Imagine your transverse muscles - this wall lift, moving from first to sixth floor. Breathe in deeply through your nose, inflating the abdomen and the lungs fill with air. Exhale through the mouth as the "devastation" light lift the muscle "lift" to the "sixth floor". Keep this position when going to perform an exercise or something to raise.

Cat Pose
Knelt in front of the sofa, put his hands, bent at the elbows, on his seat. Palms together. Inhale, lower the shoulders, rotten, like a cat, gather in the stomach. Repeat 8 times.
Exercise relieves tension in the back, helps prevent diastasis, strengthens abdominal musclesElevator
Sit on the floor cross-legged, lean back on a hard pillow or ottoman, shoulders in line with your hips, put both hands on his stomach. Inhale, lifting the muscle to lift the "first floor, then exhale, lifting it to" the fifth floor. " Hold this position and count to 30. Then make a few brief liftings of the "sixth floor" and perform a series of deep breathing (1 cycle = 1 + 1 breath exhalation). Repeat this exercise 10 times.Abbreviations
In the same starting position, place one hand under the ribs, the other - below the navel. Inhale. Raising muscle "lift" to the "first floor", as you exhale lift it to the "third floor", keeping his shoulders straight (it's original position). Pick up the muscle to lift "the fifth floor, counting aloud stories. Strain the press, keeping the "lift" in a raised position. This will be a repeat. Return the "lift" to the "third floor" and repeat. Each time, picking up and dropping the "lift", "floor" count aloud. Do exercise 3 - 5 times a day to day just to perform 100 reps.Kegel exercises

At 10 seconds, tighten the muscles of the perineum, and then slowly relax them. At first, repeat 5 times, and then gradually increase the number of repetitions to 25.Belly breathing
Legtya back on a rug or mat for yoga, bend your knees, feet uprites the floor. Breathe in (using your abdominal muscles stretch), and then exhale and tighten the press. Simultaneously lift your pelvis. fall on the floor and repeat the exercise about 15 times.Static stretching
Lying in bed, pull the major muscle groups (or do it standing up). Each banner held up at 20 - 30 seconds.Rotation of the shoulders
Perform light circular movements shoulders first forward and then backward. Relieves strain on the muscles of the neck, shoulders.Reduction in the standing position
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, slightly bend your knees, palms, place the thighs above the knees, the weight of the torso move at their fingertips. Apply a little butt back to back was straight from the buttocks to neck. Inhale, exhale to lift the muscle "lift" to "the fifth floor and try to pull your navel to the pubis, coccyx" looks "at the floor. Hold this position for 5 seconds, then slowly Lift your buttocks back to back was straight. Do 10 contractions. Strengthens abdominal muscles, "stretched" waist.

Lifting the head
Lie on your back, bend your legs at the knees, feet rest on the floor, heels pressed against the buttocks. Breathe in, sticking out his belly as you exhale lift the muscle "lift" to "the fifth floor, never taking his waist from the floor. Lift your head and press your chin to your chest. On the inhale, keeping stomach in, put his head on the floor. Repeat 10 times .. Strengthens abdominal muscles.Stretch waist
Lie on your back, your hands are on the sides, palms down. The legs bend at the knees, feet rest on the floor, heels pressed against the buttocks. Pull the stomach and, keeping feet on the floor, lower your knees to one side, and head rotate knees in the opposite direction. Hold this position for 15 breaths. Preserving the stomach in and not taking his foot off the floor, perekin'te knees on the opposite side, reverse the turn of the head. Strengthens abdominal muscles and stretch "waist.Pulling the legs
Legte on your back, bend your legs at the knees, feet rest on the floor, heels pressed against the buttocks. One hand on his stomach, the other - on the waist (hand to body). Raise the muscle "lift" to "the fifth floor, lift your foot from both the floor and lift your legs so that the knees were just above the pelvis. Sohronyaya stomach in, put one of the heels on the floor and straighten the leg, slid the heel on the floor. Slowly slid back heel toward the buttocks and return to starting position (where both legs raised, knees are just above the pelvis). Repeat this movement with other leg. Do 15 repetitions with each foot alternately (total of 30 repetitions). If you can not keep the stomach in when you slide your heel on the floor, to delay the execution of this exercise, wait until you have strength. Strengthens abdominal muscles.
After the ceremonial arrival of the hospital, when the first and most exciting days are gone, you're finally starting to pay attention to yourself. "The bruises under the eyes, paleness, blurred waist, hips, not yet podtyanuvshiysya stomach. All this will pass and returns to normal. You can also find a small oblong bulge in the abdomen that does not go, whatever you exercise and do not deprive yourself of calories. This bulge is called diastase (discrepancy recti on the white line), which often occurs during pregnancy. Unfortunately, after the birth Diverged muscles themselves are not connected. And all this at a time when you just need to strengthen the abdominal muscles to reduce the load on the spine.Exercises for the abdomen during diastasis, cesarean section
When diastasis is impossible to do conventional exercises for the press. After birth, it becomes a real problem, because it is necessary not only to lead the body in order, but also to strengthen the safety net for the press back. After all, it lays a huge load! And in the first year of life you have to "load" back quite strongly. According to statistics, about 90% of women experience back pain during the first months after birth, while 70% of new mothers after a period of active care for the child deteriorates posture.How to check yourself in the presence of diastase
Lie on your back, bend your knees, feet rest on the floor. Lift your head and fingertips to probe the middle of the abdomen from the top down or bottom up. You can feel the hollow between the two rectus abdominis. This diastasis. If you define it in yourself, you should wear a constricting bandage every time you do the exercises at the back. To do this, take a strip of thick cloth or towel length of about 150 - 160 cm and width 15 - 25 cm, and wrap it around his waist, tie a knot and grab a region. Or tie it to the back and lie down on the node before performing the exercise.
If you had a caesarean section before starting any exercise for the abdominal muscles, wait until the joint is fully healed. However, you can perform the following exercises in the first days after birth, is: "Cat Pose," which helps to strengthen the press, but also prevents the occurrence of diastase, if performed during pregnancy, "Elevator," "Cut", "Kegel exercises" , "Breath of the stomach", "static stretching" and "Rotate shoulders." Most physicians are in favor of starting regular workouts, if after vaginal delivery was 6 weeks and 10 - 12 weeks - if the child was born by Caesarean section.
When you do, it is important not only to breathe correctly. Of great importance is the ability to properly retract the stomach, before you do this or forceful movement, you can even just take the child into his arms. Through this you zadeystvuete transverse abdominal muscles, the deepest that surround your torso like a corset. Strengthening the transversus abdominis muscle protects your spine and makes the stomach more flat. At the core exercises is an isolated study of these muscles.
The action of the transverse muscle is directed from front to back. Imagine your transverse muscles - this wall lift, moving from first to sixth floor. Breathe in deeply through your nose, inflating the abdomen and the lungs fill with air. Exhale through the mouth as the "devastation" light lift the muscle "lift" to the "sixth floor". Keep this position when going to perform an exercise or something to raise.

Cat Pose
Knelt in front of the sofa, put his hands, bent at the elbows, on his seat. Palms together. Inhale, lower the shoulders, rotten, like a cat, gather in the stomach. Repeat 8 times.
Exercise relieves tension in the back, helps prevent diastasis, strengthens abdominal musclesElevator
Sit on the floor cross-legged, lean back on a hard pillow or ottoman, shoulders in line with your hips, put both hands on his stomach. Inhale, lifting the muscle to lift the "first floor, then exhale, lifting it to" the fifth floor. " Hold this position and count to 30. Then make a few brief liftings of the "sixth floor" and perform a series of deep breathing (1 cycle = 1 + 1 breath exhalation). Repeat this exercise 10 times.Abbreviations
In the same starting position, place one hand under the ribs, the other - below the navel. Inhale. Raising muscle "lift" to the "first floor", as you exhale lift it to the "third floor", keeping his shoulders straight (it's original position). Pick up the muscle to lift "the fifth floor, counting aloud stories. Strain the press, keeping the "lift" in a raised position. This will be a repeat. Return the "lift" to the "third floor" and repeat. Each time, picking up and dropping the "lift", "floor" count aloud. Do exercise 3 - 5 times a day to day just to perform 100 reps.Kegel exercises

At 10 seconds, tighten the muscles of the perineum, and then slowly relax them. At first, repeat 5 times, and then gradually increase the number of repetitions to 25.Belly breathing
Legtya back on a rug or mat for yoga, bend your knees, feet uprites the floor. Breathe in (using your abdominal muscles stretch), and then exhale and tighten the press. Simultaneously lift your pelvis. fall on the floor and repeat the exercise about 15 times.Static stretching
Lying in bed, pull the major muscle groups (or do it standing up). Each banner held up at 20 - 30 seconds.Rotation of the shoulders
Perform light circular movements shoulders first forward and then backward. Relieves strain on the muscles of the neck, shoulders.Reduction in the standing position
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, slightly bend your knees, palms, place the thighs above the knees, the weight of the torso move at their fingertips. Apply a little butt back to back was straight from the buttocks to neck. Inhale, exhale to lift the muscle "lift" to "the fifth floor and try to pull your navel to the pubis, coccyx" looks "at the floor. Hold this position for 5 seconds, then slowly Lift your buttocks back to back was straight. Do 10 contractions. Strengthens abdominal muscles, "stretched" waist.

Lifting the head
Lie on your back, bend your legs at the knees, feet rest on the floor, heels pressed against the buttocks. Breathe in, sticking out his belly as you exhale lift the muscle "lift" to "the fifth floor, never taking his waist from the floor. Lift your head and press your chin to your chest. On the inhale, keeping stomach in, put his head on the floor. Repeat 10 times .. Strengthens abdominal muscles.Stretch waist
Lie on your back, your hands are on the sides, palms down. The legs bend at the knees, feet rest on the floor, heels pressed against the buttocks. Pull the stomach and, keeping feet on the floor, lower your knees to one side, and head rotate knees in the opposite direction. Hold this position for 15 breaths. Preserving the stomach in and not taking his foot off the floor, perekin'te knees on the opposite side, reverse the turn of the head. Strengthens abdominal muscles and stretch "waist.Pulling the legs
Legte on your back, bend your legs at the knees, feet rest on the floor, heels pressed against the buttocks. One hand on his stomach, the other - on the waist (hand to body). Raise the muscle "lift" to "the fifth floor, lift your foot from both the floor and lift your legs so that the knees were just above the pelvis. Sohronyaya stomach in, put one of the heels on the floor and straighten the leg, slid the heel on the floor. Slowly slid back heel toward the buttocks and return to starting position (where both legs raised, knees are just above the pelvis). Repeat this movement with other leg. Do 15 repetitions with each foot alternately (total of 30 repetitions). If you can not keep the stomach in when you slide your heel on the floor, to delay the execution of this exercise, wait until you have strength. Strengthens abdominal muscles.
Ab workouts are complementary in getting rid of excess fat around your waist. As you become stronger with your abdominal exercise muscles, you also burn up the stored fat that is so hard to get too.