This is achieved through proper nutrition, massage, use of special creams and gels. Equally important is maintaining a stable weight: sharp fluctuations in body weight with her dieting increase or contribute to the appearance of stretch marks. As a preventive measure can be recommended also to wear during pregnancy bandage (but first check with your doctor).Food
The main preventive measure is proper and balanced diet. To avoid stretch marks, are encouraged to eat more protein. He is the main "building blocks" of the skin, is responsible for the regeneration of the skin, their health and elasticity.
Also eat foods rich in minerals and vitamins. Dairy products provide plenty of calcium, fish fortify the body fluorine, meat and beans - iron and tomatoes, bananas, dried apricots, raisins, pears - potassium. Also be careful to your diet is attended by soybean and olive oils, vitamins A and E.Humidification
Crucial in the prevention, not treatment, stretch the skin remains in many cosmetics. Their task - to a maximum moisturize the skin and stimulate collagen formation. Well, more than in the skin of both, the higher the stock of its strength.
Proven remedy is ordinary olive oil. Today, however, for olive oil add a whole arsenal of cosmetic products. Typically, they contain natural elastin and collagen, silicone, different nutrients, as well as hyaluronic acid - a powerful skin moisturizer.
Effective preventive measure is essential oils of rosewood, peppermint, and vegetable oils of wheat germ and nuts, they are actively fighting with flabby skin, and biosaharidy, raffermin soy protein hydrolyzate carrot extract and tiger grass prevent stretching.MassageDo not want to see her lovely tummy stretch marks? Try plucking massage after the shower. Wipe the body with a towel and then gently lift the skin with the tips of thumb, index and middle fingers centimeter by centimeter. In this case, fingertips first, it is easy to put on the skin surface and then gently squeeze it, twirling.Rubbing and shower
To protect your hips, buttocks and breasts of stretch marks, use rubbing with a towel, excluding the inner thighs and nipples. Procedure lasts 5-10 minutes.
Very helpful in the morning to improve blood circulation and skin elasticity alternate warm and cold showers, cold finishing process.Physical exercise
To prevent and reduce stretch marks have appeared during pregnancy, unfortunately, is not enough just to eat right, do massages and use cosmetics. Must also work hard physically. Ideally, of course, a swimming pool. Get plenty of move (within reasonable measures), to walk in the fresh air. If you're at work and the work you are sedentary, try to once per hour to take a break and just walk around the office.
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