While each child is a unique person, for about the first year of his actions - it is basically the answer to the impact of the environment or the expression of his physical needs. If a child is hungry, he will cry until it was to feed and if it put on the floor, he will cry as long as it does not take on their hands and not ukachayut.The kid can not control your environment - it can only react. A smile, he will meet a big smile, he will try to answer you if you talk to him and try to make him happy who cares about him. In response, the child hopes to receive love and care they need.Struggle for independence
As the child grows in parallel with obvious physical changes in growing and thinking. He begins to realize that their actions can affect the world around him and to some degree of control over others. The kid may have to make a choice - at least the same as to say "no" in response to a request to do something.
Once the baby is aware of its independence, he begins to challenge the decisions of parents trying to get control over all aspects of their lives. At this stage, the child appears passionate desire to get the right to do things his own way. However, although the child wants to be independent, it is still too small and is under constant adult supervision. Him decide that he is, where and when to play, his dress and undress, are not interested in his desire, and detach from the toys.Expression of emotion
Permanent control will inevitably cause the child's frustration, anger and irritation. These feelings can literally overflowing baby. At an early stage, while language skills have not been formed, the children have problems with the expression of strong feelings and accumulating anger is discharged.What is a conniption
Conniption fit can happen on the most trifling occasion. This is a sign that the dependent child is trying to regain control over the situation.
During an attack of anger the child's feelings are stronger than his mind. The child may cry, scream, kick, defiantly fall to the floor. In this case, no persuasion, and threats to it have no effect. After a bout of anger stops, the child may need to be comforted, because only that experienced by the outbreak of uncontrolled emotions, may have scared him. Temper tantrums usually occur in the presence of adults whom the child trusts. The child always tries to express his feelings, but it gives them free only when there are people who cherish and love him.
Babies can not speak and can not explain what they want. Not being able to argue with their parents through speech, the child "lets off steam in a fit of anger.
Tantrums are a normal part of the development period of the baby. At this time the child begins to feel their independence and will often try to change the parents' decision.
This period of childhood, which psychologists call "the crisis of two years" (distributed abroad, the term "terrible two-year"), usually lasts from 1.5 to 3 years. By 4 years of communication and language skills the child already formed to express their feelings in words and be able to negotiate with their parents.
Other features of the worldview of the child during this period of life - a strong sense of ownership and desire to observe certain rituals, following the routines of everyday life.Ownership
The child believes that he owns everything, especially toys and familiar to him housewares. Children meaningless to say that you need to share: the concept of sharing them completely alien, and so will be up until they are older by several years and they have not formed an established concept of identity and its borders. If someone tries to take his belongings, the child may show aggression. At most, that could be hoped - the child will understand that you can "use on stage under the supervision of adults.Rituals
Children at this age is useful to follow the established procedure, and often the children themselves require the execution of certain rituals. For example, a child may require each day to give him some kind of yogurt and a special spoon with the handle of a specific color request to read the same book every night or putting a favorite toy in the same place.
Toddlers often hold defiant temper tantrums, screaming and falling to the floor. While the attack is over, to calm the child is very difficult.
Compliance with an established order in a child's life allows him to satisfy his passion for control and gives him a feeling of comfort and security. Especially important are the rituals of preparation for bed, because they allow the child gradually change from day to night rhythm.
There is a big difference between what the child is capable of, and the fact that he wants to do. Growing up, he learns acceptable behavior.Calm or moody
Temper tantrums - it is normal and even a vital phase of the development of the child. They, like the reluctance to share toys - no reason to believe that a child that something is wrong. On the contrary, such actions just are normal for a child this age.
Children need a measured way of life. Ritual of preparing for sleep is particularly important because it helps avoid problems with falling asleep.
Baby to learn to control their feelings and express them more innocuous way.
And all children have tantrums, but this is not a sign of a capricious nature. With the development of self-control child is less likely to resort to him to express emotions.
Children who are accustomed to the measured daily lives, to better manage their emotions. Nevertheless, although children in need of comfort and predictability, they at the same time, like to do and their own choices. Allowing the child to choose, we give him the opportunity to satisfy the craving for independence. As gradually develop language skills kid he has a chance to express their feelings in an acceptable form, without the temper tantrums that occur when a child can not say what he wants.
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