You can take the easiest tent and set it in good weather, it is inexpensive, can withstand the onslaught of sun and rain. Beware though, that in bad weather, such design can easily carry the wind, and heat it strongly. But it is very easily assembled and disassembled and can be used not only in the country, but also at the exit of the nature, because it is more convenient to sit in the shade of an awning, not outdoors. The more they can save products from dust and insects, and you too.
Of course, good wooden arbor with a finished floor, with nice benches on which you can put pillows and they immediately become comfortable sofas. But those arbors there is one drawback - the price, they are expensive. And the winter air, and weather conditions do not go to the benefit of these facilities, as they love to regale bunny and various bugs. Summer heat can also affect adversely such an arbor, a tree has a singularity of crack in high temperatures. So when buying a wooden structure very carefully inspect the material from which it is made.
There is another option - a metal gazebo. She is very beautiful delicate, with proper processing of the material can withstand all weather changes. On the benches can lay soft mattresses and pillows. Price, of course, this structure just below the wood, but this is still not a cheap, besides, it must be installed on any basis. Saves it from rain and sun, but the metal is heated shamelessly. Although you can order a gazebo with an ordinary roof tiles.
You can take the most ordinary arbor with benches and a table with a polycarbonate roof or awning, very compact, in the style of "cheap and cheerful". She stands in the range of 500-800 dollars. After all, no matter what the price at the gazebo, it is important to place them across your friends or not, although a large and friendly company over a place.

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