Carry a couple of weeks vacation in the country - just wonderful. And many - how do expectant mothers and doctors - quite rightly believe that it is much more useful, than to rush thousands of miles to foreign resorts. And the climate is changing - so the immune system of women do not have to work even harder. And the "overseas contagion" no risk of catching. And the need to move a long way, too, will not.
"Summer" vacation is perfect in the following cases:
If the pregnancy comes to an end, it is better not to risk it and do not go far from the selected hospital, doctors and midwives;
if pregnancy occurs with complications (risk of miscarriage or a miscarriage, toxemia, high blood pressure, worsening of chronic diseases triggered by pregnancy), long road, and stress acclimation may cause more trouble, until the miscarriage.
If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, mother and baby are doing well, the journey will only benefit. Of course, if all the precautions.
Doctors believe that the best time for traveling during pregnancy - second trimester. Usually by this time is morning sickness, excessive sleepiness and fatigue, a woman's body already adapted to survival in the new environment and adapted to "work for two people." However, before you go to a travel agency, consult with experts watching you: they will recommend the best route.
Choosing a place for recreation and transportation, which you will get, consider the pros and cons, consider whether they will suit you in your position.
If you are flying or traveling by train, by all means tell your flight attendant about her pregnancy, or the conductor (especially if the stomach is not very noticeable) - your situation requires special treatment from the staff.
Pregnancy requires you to pay more attention to themselves and the future baby. Before you hit the road, ask in advance, whether the housing and sanitary conditions in the chosen vacation spot your location.
As for entertainment, we should consider several factors. First of all, plan your day in the sun to be better in the morning until 12:00, and the second - after 17.00. Long walking tours, jeep safaris, mountain climbing and descents in the canyons, as well as diving. have to be postponed to the "pregnant" period of your life.
Do not go to discos, concerts, clubs with very loud music - a tire, and you and your baby.
Try not to change a habitual mode of the day, sleep at least 10 hours a day. Well, if during the holidays you will find time to nap.
Take care of your wardrobe. In sunny hours is ideal - easy light-colored clothing with sleeves. It will protect from burns, and if the same will be made of natural materials - cotton or linen, then from allergic reactions that often occur just the same in the sun. Do not forget the hat. To avoid overheating, do not be narrow-fitting clothing - it disrupts the natural cooling of the skin and contributes to overheating.
During pregnancy - especially to its end - a walk, and even small exercise can cause shortness of breath. In this regard, learn to breathe calm and measured - by the way, is in labor you will also come in handy.
Practice: Lie on the floor, bend your legs at the knees. Take a breath and feel the nose as the air descends into your lungs. Then slowly breathe out your mouth. Do the exercise 10-12 times.
Another option:-model proper breathing while swimming (think about it when you come to swim).
That you are not worried about the heaviness, tingling or cramping, occasionally surf on the water. Just take a look to a period of not knocked you off your feet! What good are walking? They combine just two useful effects: on the one hand, the water refreshes the feet, on the other - they massage, which, in turn, stimulates blood flow. As for drugs, you can use creams against the heaviness in the legs - they bring a temporary but very palpable relief.
Try to plan your trip so that you had the opportunity as much as possible to bathe, swim, dive (although, to be postponed until the dive). Training in water - the very best exercise for both mother and baby. And if you go to the sea, not too lazy to go to any center for management of pregnancy and preparation for childbirth, where there is an aqua instructor, and ask them to show you special exercises. After they give birth will be several times better ...Useful Tips
Be sure to take those with him all the documents. In addition to passports and tickets required without exception, the pregnant traveler should be in possession of medical records and the first exchange card, which reflects the history of previous pregnancies and the flow of labor, the history of this current pregnancy, all the studies and analyzes. Exchange card can be issued is for a period of 22 weeks. If in addition to exchange cards are there any other results of medical research, they too should be put in the bag. In the same bag should be all that can be useful on a trip: disposable wipes, a bottle of water, snack products, mobile phone, notebook, pen, wallet.
In no case should not move luggage, do not pick up anything other than a handbag.
In the travel wear loose clothing. Tight, hampering movement of clothing is an additional factor predisposing to venous insufficiency. Pregnant women do not wear such clothes.
To make you feel comfortable, put on a light shirt and be sure to bring something warm in case cooling and strong wind.
Try as it is possible to change the position of the cup. During the flight, every half hour is recommended to walk through the cabin of aircraft. During a road trip every hour to do brief stops to go. In the car, let alone on the train, you can lie down. If you can not walk are useful flexion movement in the ankle joint, rotation, extension with the obligatory live calf, a gentle massage in the upward direction.
In the travel wear compression hosiery - stockings or pantyhose. Keep in mind that they must wear at home, in the supine position, after resting with raised feet.
Consume plenty of water - ordinary drinking or mineral.
You can take a drop or AKVAMARIS PHYSIOMER and use them with the appearance of dryness in the nose.
Try to observe diet: eat frequent small meals, do not give up on the first hot meals, avoid fast food.
What should be alerted?
All of a sudden fever. Always consult your doctor: fever may be a sign of viral infection or inflammation. In this situation, the doctor should prescribe you special treatment.
There were strange sensations in the abdomen. Perhaps this encounter. If they are repeated no more than 10 times a day, then everything is fine: just the uterus growing and preparing to leave. If contractions occur more often, see your doctor and make sure that labor has not started.
Have you noticed spotting. On the one hand, they may indicate problems with the placenta, on the other - to be a consequence of erosion of the cervix. What happened in your case, tell the doctor.
There were swelling. If the legs, hands or face swell began, it could mean the beginning of preeclampsia (toxemia of late). And since this complication develops rapidly, immediately seek medical attention and strictly comply with all of its recommendations. Attention! If there were flies in the eyes, headache, or the beginning there was pain in the stomach, immediately call the "ambulance": these are signs of a severe form of preeclampsia.
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