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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Short - sightedness is unhealthy eyes!

Some blame the genes that other computer. However, regardless of the reason, the short-sighted people becomes all the more.

If you exert your eyes to read the backside of the inscription or to recognize symbol not know the friends on the street, and at night you see blurred - you, probably, are short-sighted. Scientists estimate that every third European suffers from short-sightedness and 60% of Asians. Myopia, from the Greek word screw up one's eyes, is the most common disadvantage of view. Short-sighted people can see well things at close range, and that is far away, for them is blurred. Frequent symptom is fatigue eye, even headache pain in the forehead. It seems that the contours of objects are blurred.

Lack of the most often manifests itself up to 20 years. Quickly deepens in adolescence, as a rule, then притормаживается. If the defect is not corrected, with the passage of time are molded by the mimic wrinkles around the eyes. Vision may deteriorate in women during pregnancy. And increasing short-sightedness in adults may be a symptom of a cataract, or diabetes mellitus.

His eyes, like a camera.
Short-sightedness is a so-called lack of refraction. The eye can be compared with the camera. Lens optical system - this is the eyes, and the shell, on which there is an image - a photograph. A beam of light enters the eye and to reach the retina, must go through the following layers: the cornea, the front lens and the lens of the eye.

Children with visual impairments.
There are three degrees of myopia: low to is 3.0 dioptres, the average of type-3.0 to -7,0 d) and high above -7,0 diopters. The specialists there are also several types of short-sightedness. The usual short-sightedness, called otherwise-correcting, when the angle of refraction is not adapted to the length of the eyeball. Short-sightedness of lentil, as a rule, occurs in old age, in the course of a cataract, or diabetes mellitus. And degenerative called malignant, which leads to a considerable elongation of the eyeball in the posterior segment and the development of extensive degenerative changes. The disease can begin during infancy and deepen with age. Eventually handle eyeball takes a cylindrical shape. While increasing it comes to the damage of the Uvea, and the retina, which leads to a significant decrease in visual acuity. Degenerative myopia and lentil may even lead to loss of vision, fortunately, these are rare cases.

Genes or computers?
Everything points to the fact that short-sightedness, at least partially, is genetically determined. However, the mechanism of inheritance, despite intensive study, was not still understood. Doctors emphasize that the development of and increase in the deficiency contributes to the long-term implementation of the actions requiring watch at close range, such as reading, looking at the screen of the computer, watching TV. In accordance with this theory, human eyes are not designed for constant observation of closely spaced objects.

First, ophthalmologist, then optics.
The basis of diagnostics of short-sightedness is the study of visual acuity. She is reading of different size letters (in the case of children - image) from a certain distance. Separately accounted for visual acuity of the left and right eyes. Prompt and objective assessment of the refraction of the eye allows you to give a survey with the help of computer development. A special camera to let in the eyes of the beam (fully secure) infrared radiation and analyzes its display. The value of the defect shall be provided in the form of computer printouts. Recipe for corrective spectacles at short-sightedness is indicated with the sign « - » (for example, - 1.25), hence the popular name cons. You must remember that the visit to the store of points does not replace the ophthalmologic diagnostics. The weakness should regularly (with a frequency of 6 months to 2 years) control in a doctor's office. An ophthalmologist during the research exclude other causes of deterioration of sight.

Most of the short-sighted correct the defects of the eye with the help of glasses or contact lenses. There are many different types, manufactured by different companies, and everyone will find something for themselves. However, if we want to get rid of the defects forever, it is possible laser refractive surgery. Such procedures are usually performed in several years. There are several varieties of laser treatment: PRK, FOREST, LASIK, EPI-LASIK. They may be conducted only in adults with stable defect, because it does not prevent its further development. People with short-sightedness are advised to take supplements: lutein, cranberry extract, beta-carotene and vitamin A. There are several systems of exercises that can stop the progress, and in some cases even lead to a decline lack of, for example, the Bates method. A man with a big short-sightedness, 8-10 diopters, should avoid hauling heavy loads and excessive physical exertion (in the case of women - natural childbirth), as it can cause damage to the retina.

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