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Friday, January 7, 2011


Wedding, no doubt, is one of the most important and memorable events in the life of every human being. Wedding attributes - together, exchange of rings, festive ceremony, honeymoon - relate to the world of good feeling and romantic memories.

Having made the decision to get married, you find yourself in a complex cycle of joys, anxieties, expectations. Still, after you decide on an event that may change your life!
Since the wedding - an event unique journey together, which usually occurs shortly after a ceremony, must also be an amazing and unique, memorable for a lifetime. And how to make it so we just try to tell.
Typically, a honeymoon the couple set off to enjoy each other and come to terms with a happy thought that they are now together for life and are legal husband and wife. To take with you on a journey boyfriend or girlfriend, to impose a noisy company, or go to a crowded place in the tourist group is not accepted, although there are exceptions ...
Honeymoon suit any time of year. Firstly, and in the winter pleasantly strolling arm in arm along the paths of the Swiss Alps or drink warm mulled wine, watching the flames in the fireplace. Second, traditionally, weddings are spring or early autumn, when the choice of location on the map for a wedding trip easier, it remains only to decide!
The duration of travel depends on many factors: the availability of time, the financial capacity, and others.
Typically, a honeymoon the couple are sent either the day after the wedding, either in the next few days, and spend together from 3 days to 2 weeks.
Route selection for the wedding trip depends on the taste of the spouses, their desires and dreams, as well as family traditions. For example, in one large French family for many generations, there is a tradition: the bride until the last moment does not know where to go for a honeymoon. The groom chooses a route (as a rule, it is a romantic place, where his future wife has not yet happened and where she wants to go) to organize a trip he helped relatives and friends, he collects the bags (including the wife, so much so that she did not manage anything suspect!) makes visas, buying tickets, etc. Well, the young know that they go in, say, Australia, at the airport. And so it was repeated from generation to generation: the daughters, sisters, nieces, waiting for the wedding looking more and because they know: they are waiting for a nice surprise ...
So, where do you can go on honeymoon? Paris, the Basque Country, London, Mauritius, Rome, Capri, Madrid, Ibiza, Maldives ... In our view, "Wedding" places can be divided into several groups.
Firstly, it is European capitals - Paris, Rome, London - the city in which to spend several days together, even if you're there already happened. Honeymoon takes a touch of luxury, luxury, prestige, and beauty. It is necessary to consider all the details. You can stay in one of the finest hotels and room reservations is on the upper class: with a luxurious decoration (antique paintings, stucco ceilings, antique furniture), expensive accessories (pool, jacuzzi), personal service (breakfast in bed, brand negligee and a shaving kit, etc.). It would be interesting to choose the hotel is not just the best in town, but which is connected with some kind of romantic history, or which would stop the great people, artists, actors, literary characters ...
In Paris, it certainly Ritz. Incidentally, this luxury hotel boasts a well-known writer Barbara Kartland, author of romance novels, spent their honeymoon.
Hotel Crillon - an outstanding masterpiece of the XVIII century. and the only real French Palace in Paris, located on the most beautiful square in the world - Concorde (Concorde). The hotel is in the top five most expensive and reputable hotels of the French capital. Stop here during a tour in France, Michael Jackson and Madonna. Ancient facade, elevators disguised as antique cabinets, fireplaces, banquet rooms, air conditioning, telephone, parking.
The restaurant Les Ambassadeurs and L'ObOlisque you can enjoy delicious French cuisine and expensive wine.
In Rome, we can recommend one of the many hotels located in the ancient palaces: "Bernini Bristol", "Aldrovandi Palace" or "Ingileterra, in elegant chambers whose loved to stop by Anatole France, Henry James and Ernest Hemingway.
Staying in these luxury hotels immediately acquires a tinge of mystery and intimacy, luxury and elitism, dreams and fairy tales. Add to this the wonderful sights that await you at every step, amazing museums, old shady parks, night at the opera or the theater - and you'll get more or less complete picture of this kind of honeymoon.
Another option we recommend for those who want to escape with the beloved of the people, the noise of civilization and convention cities. You are waiting for the islands: Corsica and Majorca, Crete and Corfu, the Seychelles and Mauritius, the list is endless, from small to large and distant islands, lost in the ocean. You are waiting for fine weather and a wonderful climate, azure sea and white sandy beaches, exotic cuisine and hot evening entertainment, hiking and skiing in the valley and canyons ... Type of holiday: sports and adventure with elements of solitude in nature.
You can stay in a comfortable hotel (on any island, even the smallest they have in abundance), in an apartment (a small house in which live several families) or at the villa (a luxury house with garden and pool, in which no one except you ).
The beach can be chosen in a resort area, or "wild", where the sun can be directly on the ledges in the mountains. In the latter case it is necessary to comply with certain measures redostorozhnosti, but you can ignore the bathing suit, and swimming fun. In the island travel agency you can rent a boat and spend a few hours together in the open ocean.
Fans will be engaged in snorkelling or scuba diving (especially good with this point of view the Seychelles and Mauritius). Strange fish of all sizes and colors, soft corals, underwater plants - where else you'll pick up these impressions, which will last for a long cold winter! Evening sunsets, fishing aboard the boat, folk dancing, socializing with hospitable islanders ... Along with memorable photographs you bring with you a collection of shells from the island or a herbarium, a colorful bit of "there the" life.
In Mauritius, you can not just come for a honeymoon, a wedding itself, and play on the island. This will be an unforgettable experience for newlyweds, but here the guests and relatives will have to leave home! The only thing that should take care in advance, it is sent to the appropriate island organization a written statement not later than 10 days before the date selected. The rest will hotel in which you live. It will provide you with an official representative, witnesses, photographs, flowers and a festive dinner with the famous wedding cake.
A similar celebration is important in life events especially for those who do not like the artificiality and formalism Ukrainian RAPA, as in Mauritius you can get married, not only in a luxury hotel, but on a deserted beach, an uninhabited island in the shade of coconut palms or in the shady garden. Some arrange a holiday on board the catamaran in some quiet lagoon. 
So the choice is yours, decide for yourself what you prefer. Remember one thing: in the old adage "With sweet heaven in a cottage" there is truth, and if you truly love, romance you provided!

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