However, most of us on New Year's holidays, everything happens exactly the opposite: the sleepless nights, plentiful drink and not healthy food in large quantities. After a "rest" of forces is not only not increase, but turn down at times.
Was done on the main days of the New Year, hurry as soon as possible to start bouncing back - you should not spend all 10 days of the January holiday partying and drinking. First of all, start to eat properly. To do this, treat yourself to fasting days. To help your body during this period should be eaten only a light meal, does not require long digestion.
It is best to eat fruits and vegetables, fresh or cooked. Try to eliminate fried foods, meat and buns. Morning diet should include oatmeal in the water, and drinking plenty of fluids. In general, water, natural juices, herbal teas and fruit drinks from the dried fruit - a great way to restore the body after alcohol dehydration and saturate it with vitamins. To help the heart, you can add honey in his tea in reasonable quantities, but tea should not be hot, otherwise all the beneficial properties of honey will come down to nothing.
Dysbacteriosis - another satellite incorrect "festive" table and drinking. Yogurt, unsweetened yogurt, soups and chamomile tea will help lead the gastrointestinal tract to normal as quickly as possible. You can try to take medicines with lactobacilli, but then the alcohol will have to give up - he kills these bacteria, and the effect of the medicine will be zero.
To still indulge in occasional echoes of festive fun, make a salad with mushrooms and fruits. For this slice the mushrooms and fry them slightly in a small amount of butter. Then cut into small cubes apple and cheese, pepper and cloves mandarin. The sauce is made from a teaspoon of mustard, a jar of yogurt, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, 2 teaspoons of honey and a small amount of orange peel. All the ingredients are mixed and pour sauce.
Of course, the weekend after December 31, all visiting friends, going to visit relatives, and you too will want to host a family! And you certainly are not going to treat their porridge, jelly on the water, but do not want again to attack the liver and stomach, neither himself nor them. In this case, very helpful will fall dishes look and taste of which will be very much a holiday, and injury - is minimal. Among them - the liver fritters, which after a short frying pan go as high in the oven. Red fish for a couple - superb food in the winter evening, which helps all of northern peoples warm and stay healthy. As a side dish is perfect with boiled potatoes flavored with dill, lemon adds a visual and freshly ground black pepper. Avocado, celery and ginger root give any salad a fresh unusual taste that will make the dish an unusual and festive.
Separate wonderful appetizer - it's cheese and seafood - they are always exquisite, with proper food handling are harmless to the body and contain many useful substances. Hard cheeses, brie, cheese with mold and mozzarella - excellent and tasty dish that usually goes with a bang. With mozzarella can be fed tomatoes or melon, oregano sprinkled with grass. Blue cheese, so called because of the inclusions of bluish-green mold, have a very specific taste, they are unlikely to eat tasty food in a sandwich. Instead, they are ideally combined with a dry red wine, which reveals their taste. In a choice of dishes for such a light feast for friends, leadership, above all, elegance, not abundant, and most importantly, the right mix of ingredients. With the right approach to such a buffet your guests will not only leave with a heavy stomach, but also appreciate your fine taste.
After one day, and someone has a multi-day feasts and many gain a few kilos overweight. And it is not surprising - after all, as they say, as the New Year meet, so spend it! Therefore festive table literally was breaking from the elegant dishes, champagne flows like water and dance till you drop continues until the morning. Post Christmas diet for those who want to return to its former elegance, has a few simple rules. First, forget the sauces, especially on the mayonnaise and ketchup. Salads refill lemon juice, maybe a small amount of olive oil extra-virgin, that is cold pressed. Do not fry food - fried food hamper digestion, and any food prepared in this way will add extra calories. Try to eat low-fat soup or broth - so you will not only warm a winter's day, but will have less to second. Sweet, leave a bitter chocolate and fruit, but do not eat them after a meal - it may be heartburn. Drink lots of unsweetened and non-carbonated liquids, and do not forget to walk - at least in the store.
When the holidays behind us, let's health is better left to chance is not worth it. Of course, do not force yourself starvation or unloading on the same day the Greek, otherwise all the impressions of the new year, may spoil the anger and remorse! The main thing - do not get hung up on anything and listen to your body. Pay more attention to not eating and active walks, sleeping, meeting with friends. Try a little bit, but with pleasure - any food will seem a hundred times tastier if you walk up to her appetite for a winter outing with friends in the park!
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