This game was invented by students of psychology of Moscow State University Dmitry Davydov back in 1986, and then, from student hostels, spread everywhere, including overseas. There is also a prototype of the game - a European game «Killer», in which players seek to debate a player-killer. In the Mafia is also necessary to calculate the whole group of Mafiosi. Produced a huge number of books about this game, there are professional players and clubs, for the employed by leading. The game is recognized as one of the 50 most historically and culturally significant games that have appeared since 1800. This makes the game worthy of attention ... So, how to play Mafia?
If you try to tell you very briefly, then the game starts with the cards (it can be special cards or conventional). In this way, players are divided into 2 groups: the "honest people" and "mafia". One of the "honest people" who received a special card or a red ace is "Commissioner."
Number of "Mafioso" is usually calculated in advance according to the formula: M = N / k, where M - number of mobsters, N - total number of players, k - the estimated coefficient. The number k is usually taken to be 3.5 for the games "live" (this is due to the fact that now the Mafia play online, chat rooms, etc., where the number of players a lot more out there come from other factors).
Next game is divided into two phases: the "day" and "night". When the host announces the first night - all players close their eyes - "sleep". Leading allows the Mafia to open their eyes and remember his team. Then the Mafia falls asleep and wakes Commissioner. After that, he knows all the leading team members. Declares a day and still wake up.
Afternoon all find out - who are involved in the mafia? To do this, there are plenty of tricks and just acting, I'll try to describe it below. At the end of the day leading announce the voting for the man who, in the opinion of the majority needed to put in jail (ie, chosen presumably mafia).
Night fell and the mob wakes up to consult and "kill" one of the honest people (show him leading stores). Mafia falls asleep and wakes up the commissioner. He points to the player who wants to test for involvement in the mafia. Leading gestures tells Commissioner, whether the player is mafia.
The next "day" lead announce who was killed during the night. This player is eliminated, and his map shows all present. This information is used in the discussion. The game goes until one team wins. Digging deeper ...
Mafia game is unique in that entirely based on dialogue and debate. There are constant deception, betrayal, etc. Players who are not ready for this, they can get confused.
The psychological aspect - the ability to persuade, to recognize lies, acting ability. Mathematics - players always remember who they were knocked out, and logically one can be a mafia.
To further confuse the players, some participants go on tricks and gimmicks. Let's consider some scenarios for the game and additional rules:
* For example, when discussing one of the players said that he "commissioner" and checked out this "night" Vasya and he was mafia. All vote for Vasya? Certainly not, the normal reaction of one of the Mafia on it - say that it was the real "commissioner" and that "lzhekomissar" he knows the mafia and all honest people, which belongs to Nick. Before that it was already killed a few players, it is convenient to report that they checked all subsequently killed;
* If the cards are dealt usual, it may be a situation that one player declares that he "Seven Diamonds" or something like that. The game is not on the specific card, and it belongs to the honest people, or the mafia, so naturally, that appeared a player who said it was his "Seven Diamonds";
* Dead players during the discussion should be silent;
* Characters of all people are different. May get mafia-girl, who will not vote for anybody, or honest the people who vote "blindly". Sometimes they are more dangerous than the experienced players, because not easily convinced and bring unpredictability to the outcome of the game;
* More experienced players to deflect suspicion from himself split into pairs and begin to accuse each other of being a mafia. However, do not vote against each other and in subsequent days, these charges stopped.
If you try to tell you very briefly, then the game starts with the cards (it can be special cards or conventional). In this way, players are divided into 2 groups: the "honest people" and "mafia". One of the "honest people" who received a special card or a red ace is "Commissioner."
Number of "Mafioso" is usually calculated in advance according to the formula: M = N / k, where M - number of mobsters, N - total number of players, k - the estimated coefficient. The number k is usually taken to be 3.5 for the games "live" (this is due to the fact that now the Mafia play online, chat rooms, etc., where the number of players a lot more out there come from other factors).
Next game is divided into two phases: the "day" and "night". When the host announces the first night - all players close their eyes - "sleep". Leading allows the Mafia to open their eyes and remember his team. Then the Mafia falls asleep and wakes Commissioner. After that, he knows all the leading team members. Declares a day and still wake up.
Afternoon all find out - who are involved in the mafia? To do this, there are plenty of tricks and just acting, I'll try to describe it below. At the end of the day leading announce the voting for the man who, in the opinion of the majority needed to put in jail (ie, chosen presumably mafia).
Night fell and the mob wakes up to consult and "kill" one of the honest people (show him leading stores). Mafia falls asleep and wakes up the commissioner. He points to the player who wants to test for involvement in the mafia. Leading gestures tells Commissioner, whether the player is mafia.
The next "day" lead announce who was killed during the night. This player is eliminated, and his map shows all present. This information is used in the discussion. The game goes until one team wins. Digging deeper ...
Mafia game is unique in that entirely based on dialogue and debate. There are constant deception, betrayal, etc. Players who are not ready for this, they can get confused.
The psychological aspect - the ability to persuade, to recognize lies, acting ability. Mathematics - players always remember who they were knocked out, and logically one can be a mafia.
To further confuse the players, some participants go on tricks and gimmicks. Let's consider some scenarios for the game and additional rules:
* For example, when discussing one of the players said that he "commissioner" and checked out this "night" Vasya and he was mafia. All vote for Vasya? Certainly not, the normal reaction of one of the Mafia on it - say that it was the real "commissioner" and that "lzhekomissar" he knows the mafia and all honest people, which belongs to Nick. Before that it was already killed a few players, it is convenient to report that they checked all subsequently killed;
* If the cards are dealt usual, it may be a situation that one player declares that he "Seven Diamonds" or something like that. The game is not on the specific card, and it belongs to the honest people, or the mafia, so naturally, that appeared a player who said it was his "Seven Diamonds";
* Dead players during the discussion should be silent;
* Characters of all people are different. May get mafia-girl, who will not vote for anybody, or honest the people who vote "blindly". Sometimes they are more dangerous than the experienced players, because not easily convinced and bring unpredictability to the outcome of the game;
* More experienced players to deflect suspicion from himself split into pairs and begin to accuse each other of being a mafia. However, do not vote against each other and in subsequent days, these charges stopped.
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