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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Security, which requires a woman in labor

Nobody would argue with the fact that the most affordable opportunity to make childbirth more comfortable is that at which a woman in labor is accustomed to her surroundings. If the expectant mother is provided with all necessary amenities and comfort, in this case she feels safe and secure, and this is attributed to a greater extent by the presence next to her loved one.

Yes, and thoroughly prepare for the birth also did not hurt, since the laying of all his hopes only to Mother Nature is not always enough, even though they are quite logical and natural process. And yet, recalling the laws of nature itself, we should not forget about it quite meaningful, one of the main, the principle which states that "survival of the fittest."
So it is, in fact, as sometimes even the most advanced medical techniques and drugs can not compete with birth defects, which occasionally encounter specialists.
Although, in fairness, it should remember that the level of modern medicine yet reached certain heights, and now the woman has the opportunity to prevent a miscarriage, which constrain artificially, and the very birth process often does not take place without outside interference.
By and large, what is happening can be called a false humanism, but it is always whether it is appropriate? A moot point, unless you talk about it in terms of orthodoxy.
And how much negative information about the natural childbirth process, we get from the media, resulting in a young person go to the maternity institutions, both at Calvary, and in consequence they are often very negative memories, and there is considerable merit "whistleblowers" like persuasion.
Not better for the future mother to devote all the subtleties regarding the feminine essence in general, and her body in particular, which was initially predisposed to nurturing a normal kid and his emergence into the light, quite naturally, since this nature has all the prerequisites. And she (Nature) does not need outside interference, as and does not want the invasion of a natural process.
And then came the moment when the baby is born, and the first thing he is destined to be in the hands of midwives, which is for him quite a stranger, and in his soul, on a subconscious level, remains an insult to the mother, with whom he was closely connected throughout the pregnancy, and that allowed foreign hands to touch him. Not to mention the insult to his father, who was absent at all in this crucial moment.
The animals in nature, everything is different, and yet people are also an integral part thereof.
And drug intervention in natural processes, it is possible to a large extent is responsible for many negative aspects associated with labor and breastfeeding.
Have you ever heard of imprinting, which is subconsciously remembering that the environment, which was present at birth, the newborn and the mother takes all seen him an object that moves. Not so long ago about the imprinting is not accepted had to say, since this information was available only to specified people. And generally reflect on this issue quite by accident, which contributed to a story that has been associated with animals, but further observations confirm the hypothesis.
Everything that is happening is because there is a special, very short time, appearing immediately after birth, the repetition is no longer in sight, but it is at this stage and there is an invisible connection that exists in the future between a mother and her baby.
Fortunately, in recent years, infants have been increasingly applied to the mother's breast, and increasingly after the birth of the child is left in the house with his mother until the moment of its discharge from the hospital. And it is not there, that this practice is lacking for many years, is the reason for making a bad situation that existed in many Russian families? It is so often deal with divorce, abandoned children, the problem of infertility.
To some it may seem incorrect comparison with the animal world, because such observations are often referred to his name, but because by and large, the process of a person's birth differs slightly, and there he was at the same instinct level, which is in line with the level of some departments cortex of our brain. And it is these units are activated in the process of labor, and it is their job to artificially suppress the medical maternity institutions.
In addition to the phenomenon, termed imprinting, there is also another, which is called impressingom. And in this case we are talking about that in the memory of baby zapechatleyutsya those individual moments of its development, which are influenced by their environment. And the most critical period in the development of the crumbs is from three to nine months, then for a long time able to determine the behavioral norms, motivation, behavior, the scale of human values.
It is through these two concepts in question, that is, due to imprinting and impressingu there is a formation of attachment between the child and his parents. For this reason, the newborn is so important to the presence of very close and dear people in the first minutes of his life. Alas, we still often happens is quite different.
And how many stressful situations have had to endure the expectant mother until the moment of birth, even during her visit to antenatal clinic and maternity hospital, and after returning to the animal world, we must remember that in females, in moments of stress, there is a spontaneous cessation of birth.
Well, is not accepted in our antenatal pregnancy to prepare the upcoming event, is not taken to teach her to how to overcome stress. As a result, the expectant mother is subject to more fear, on the grounds that happen nervous breakdown and developed neuroses, it is quite capable of owning his own body and emotional spirit, as a result violated the necessary natural relationship with the baby, being in her womb.
At the most, which can teach a woman, in consultation, as is its interaction with the medical staff the maternity facility. But that's where begins the greatest intervention in natural processes, which usually provides for generic activities adverse effects, since there is slowdown in the natural course of childbirth.
As a rule, it should stimulate the use of special medicines and use different techniques, among them almost ninety percent of accounted for a procedure such as cutting of the perineum, and twenty percent of all births end in cesarean section. And intervention does not have consequences for the newborn, including artificial stimulation.
Say what you like, but the delivery is a highly intimate process, which is why giving birth is so important relevant conditions, which guarantees her a sense of safety and security, and therefore not be amiss to in this case the presence of a loved one who is the father of the unborn baby.
Unfortunately, almost none of the maternity facility is not able to provide the mother of all necessary conditions, but because a woman in labor had to be without her much needed support.
We must not forget that in the case of natural birth process, have finished him in due measure a woman in the blood reaches the maximum limits for the level of neuropeptides, which are universal controllers. As a result, in parents' turn 'it is the parents' feelings, about which so much is said, and the newborn in the body, in turn, minimizing the effects of psychological trauma, which it receives during "a repetition" of the mother's birth canal. But in this case, it is much easier to adapt to new conditions, as well as to preserve their health is normal.
Unfortunately, for a long time experts in the field of obstetrics and gynecology were firmly convinced that the baby can not feel anything and, moreover, to think. But that's now all changed, and we found out that such a pain, both at the time of its birth, experience the person is no longer destined for the rest of his life.
So, never forget that your child will be "remembered" until his death about what's happening with him at the time of fetal development and later in childbirth, at the cellular level, that is, it is similar to that inherent in his program. And it depends on the parents is what will this memory is preserved in its chromosomal complement. To a large extent depends on it and then what would be the relations established between you and Chad, as well as his physical and mental health, success and happiness, both individually and in societal terms.
Lovely woman, future mommy, take to the birth of her baby with all the shares of liability, and do not transfer to anyone responsible for an upcoming event, as it should be based on the most to you.

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