When there is no time and financial resources for the campaign to masseurs, professionals, then the aid can come "home massager. Instruments for massage and self-massage produced by many manufacturers, and to understand their diversity is not so simple. To learn how to wisely choose a massage, read in this material.Step 1. What are we going to massage
Even in ancient times to facilitate the work of massage used various objects: for example, in ancient Greece - groomer in Japan - with special hammers.
In the Ancient Rus Slavic tribes have long been used in the bath postegivanie broom, it was nothing but a kind of mechanical massage.
Wide development of hardware massage received at the end of the XVIII century. - In this period were designed by specialists variety vibrating massage devices, both for local as well as for general vibration. However, they did not get mass use: some were too bulky, much noise and vibration were rough, others - are ineffective because the vibration was almost imperceptible. The evolution over several centuries has led to the fact that modern devices for massage is almost noiseless and efficient enough.
Modern hardware massage includes several species. Each of them is distinguished as the physiological effects and the principle of the device aids. The most widely used in the practice of massage vibro, pneumomassage and jacuzzi, other types are used less frequently.
In addition, all available on the market massage, can be divided into several categories by the way to massage a part of the body they target. On this basis can be identified: universal massagers, massage for face and devices for foot massage feet.Step 2. Universal Massagers
The main part of the universal machines on the market - it elektrovibromassazhery equipped with multiple attachments for different types of massage and various body parts. It was from a set of tools and functionality to the device dependent, so choosing a massage, first of all, it is necessary to focus on them. Most devices on the market have a standard set of nozzles, which includes roller nozzle, nozzle for acupressure, massage of the head, for muscle massage. Dwell on each of them.
Using a roller attachment improves circulation and prevents deposition of salts in the body, it is effective in the fight against cellulite. Effective massage with this extension, only if his conduct in the open areas of the body, rather than through clothing.
If you have sensitive or irritated skin, then you must make sure that the set has a special attachment for gentle massage. Experts recommend using it as well for massage wrists, legs and shoulder girdle. This massage relaxes and soothes the skin.
In "traditional" set of nozzles also often includes attachment for muscle massage, which simulates the action of human fingers. With it you can take a deep muscle massage, penetrating through the fabric as it is done by the hands of a masseur. You just need this attachment, if often enough you are experiencing heavy exercise, massage with an attachment will help your muscles to get rid of stress.
Another cap, which is quite popular among manufacturers - nozzle acupressure, sometimes manufacturers call it relaxing. The principle of operation is based on the traditions of Chinese acupressure, which has been used successfully as one of the best forms of therapy, increases resistance to disease, resulting in the order of the immune system.
In cosmetology, this system has very good results - Regular acupressure can make the skin supple and elastic, in addition, it helps to relax the facial muscles, which prevents the formation of wrinkles on the face, retards aging of the skin and body. The same technique is used to treat obesity and excessive weight loss body, weight-correction (stoop, scoliosis), breast forms.
And last, a very popular mouthpiece, to which I want to say - it's attachment to the scalp. Appearance it resembles a regular massage brush for hair and a very beneficial effect, stimulating the circulation cells, improving the growth and overall condition of the hair.
Here is a basic set of nozzles that can be included with the massage for the body. Of course, their number can vary depending on the specific model and manufacturer, more often - three to five nozzles. For example, the model Massager Binatone FCM 100 has five nozzles, and a model Massager Polaris PMI 0411 includes four nozzles. Its core set of nozzles to choose you, and based on your needs.
In addition, some devices are equipped with infrared heating function. It is very useful for those who are using the massage wants to get rid of cellulite. With a combination of massage, infrared heating and anti-cellulite cream - this procedure can be very effective. The fact that the infrared heat activates blood circulation and due to this special cream is better absorbed.
Sometimes there are massagers with the original set of nozzles. For example, the Binatone is Massager Binatone BDM 100 in kit which includes a roller attachment, which will help in the fight against cellulite, soft brush to relax, and pumice to cleanse the skin of keratinized cells. This massage focuses only on the cosmetic effect, it is very convenient to take along for the ride as it is lightweight and compact, runs on standard "AA-" batteries. Body Massager today are very popular, especially among girls and women. Average cost them in Moscow shops ranging from 10 to 30 dollars.Step 3. Foot Massagers
A special group of masseurs to stop - they are issued in the form of whirlpool baths. Such devices are very popular not only because they really have a therapeutic effect, but also because it perfectly relaxes tired after a busy day.
Outwardly, these devices are very similar and look like a small capacity to accommodate the foot, usually divided into two halves of the special partition, which is mounting for heads. Typically, manufacturers include in the package a couple of tips for mechanical foot massage. Principle of the device based on the fact that the capacity is filled with plain water, cold or warm. After turning on the appliance should be dipped his feet in the tub and turn on the desired mode of operation. Usually opt for a combination of several types of treatments (massage, bubbles, water massage, etc.). That is to say, "basic kit", which is all producers.
Then you can choose among the additional features offered by different brands. Massager BaByliss 8030 B has a function of thalassotherapy (massage with hot stones). The complete device includes two bars loofah to remove calluses and two removable rotating roller for a more intense massage each. Interestingly, some models can be used for dry foot massage. For example, this feature provides a model Massager Polaris PMB 1103 RC, which in addition has one more interesting detail - the remote control. In addition, some manufacturers equip massager for feet, as well as universal models, an infrared lamp for deep heating - Massage Polaris PMB 1102.
Another improvement - refleksoterapevticheskie convexity. Reflexology - is a massage technique that is based on exact knowledge of the reflex zones on the foot leg. Under the influence of acupressure which stimulates certain areas of the foot, in particular its arch, reflexology allows the whole body relax as a person in an hour to feel like after a short vacation. This feature is, for example, bath massager Binatone FBM 311.Step 4. Massagers Facial
The next type elektromassazhera, which wants to tell in this article - is a device for massaging the skin. Usually it's pretty compact, battery-powered. They are designed to not only massage your skin, but also to clear it from the keratinized cells, and prepare for the imposition of makeup. Based on the functional tasks, such devices are generally equipped with a roller attachment for massage, exfoliating attachment for cleaning a person with a soft sponge, which prepares the foundation for makeup. Besides the "traditional" set in the set may include suction cups to cleanse the pores, smooth, massage cushions, a variety of brushes.
For example, models Massager Polaris PMF 0501 R, Massager Polaris PMF 0502 Included are three tips for facial massage and two for cleaning the pores.
Stand out cosmetic facial saunas - they also care for the skin, but their main function - moisturizing and cleansing. With the help of a couple, they completely remove makeup, cleanse the pores of the skin, enhance the effect of face masks. Some have an additional function inhalation. (BaByliss 8451 Massager, Massager BaByliss 731A).Step 5. Vacuum massage
According to the principle of action in a particular category was isolated by vacuum tumblers. Their therapeutic action is based on the creation of blood flow to local areas of the body by vacuum. Even in ancient China for the treatment of many diseases, used thin hollow clay and bamboo sticks, which created a negative pressure or vacuum, and have applied to the skin in different parts of the patient's body. Skin drawn into the cavity, created blood flow to certain parts - both worked on the affected organ, causing it to fight the disease.
Create a huge flow of blood - hence, provide anti-virus and anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, the major effect of vacuum massage to detoxify, ie removing toxic substances and toxins from the body through sweat and sebaceous glands. Cosmetic result of such procedures - skin becomes soft, smooth and pink as a baby. If you use a vacuum massage combined with healing herbal solutions and the effect will be even more noticeable. In the first two minutes after the massage the skin pores open, and if to wipe the body healing infusion, it is absorbed instantly, magnified than its therapeutic effect.
It is worth noting that, in combination with other procedures (such as mud packs, herbal compresses, miostimulation) vacuum massage helps to cope with such a common problem in women, as cellulite.Step 6. Muscle Stimulators
The problem of cellulite and excess fat can also be solved by miostimulyatorov. Tuned to a certain mode, it contributes to an intensive breakdown of fat in the most problematic parts of women. In general, miostimulation very useful for improving blood circulation and lymphatic drainage of the body.
Over time, the degradation products derived from the work cells do not have time "imposed" by blood and lymph, and begin to accumulate in tissues. The body needs help from outside, and in this case miostimulyatory plays the role of "accelerator". It causes contractions, similar effects of massage, which promotes more rapid removal of toxins, toxic substances, excess intracellular fluid and the decay products of fat.
When purchasing and using mistimulyatora remember contra-indications and warnings (usually all miostimulyatory home use are detailed instructions which must be immediately available). If the implanted electrical pacemaker, have any heart conditions, varicose veins, aggravation of disease of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary tract disease, damaged skin, then apply the product should not be. In any case, before you buy, consult your doctor if you have something embarrassing.
In the Russian market, where such devices home use are just beginning to come into use, we can distinguish miostimulyatory Massager Home Beauty HT 331B, Massager Home Beauty HT 328. They meet all modern requirements and copes with the above-mentioned problems. Strengthen the flabby muscles and increase their vitality, reduce and eliminate cellulite manifestations, managed process of losing weight, give a beautiful shape flabby buttocks and thighs, improves circulation, promotes the excretion of waste products, improves skin texture.
In addition, miostimulyatory helps to relieve pain (neck, thoracic, lumbosacral), a sense of stiffness in the joints in the general weakness of the muscles and ligaments.
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