It turns out that this does not whims of your body. Taste receptors can signal that the stomach can not digest these foods and need something else. Listen to your body, otherwise, trying to eat properly, and forcing himself into a trap.
The same taste all people perceive differently. This may be associated with the following.
Perception of products depends on personal experience. You are advised to give up meat and go for fish and seafood. Mind, then you realize that this is an easily digestible protein, healthy fish oils, etc. But you feel sick from the smell of a fish: just once she got poisoned, and now the body, veteran, signals that the seafood is potentially edible.
Aversion to certain foods may mean that your body can not cope with their processing. For example, a dislike for milk. It would seem so wholesome - but you can not stand him. Most likely this is due to the fact that you belong to almost half the adult population, whose body does not produce lactose required for the cleavage of lactose.
The nature of all people unequal number of taste buds. The more, the susceptibility of man and the more intense and varied taste of food, which he feels. In professional tasters of wine or tea, for example, these receptors is twice more than the average person.
Nutritionists advise to eat broccoli - this product is not only rich in mineral trace elements, but also contains substances that accelerate the breakdown of fats in the body. But you can not stand broccoli, because for you it is bitter. That you may be among those who specifically responds to the glucosinolates contained in this vegetable. American study showed that taste buds of some people "define" products that contain glucosinolates, a bitter and, accordingly, is not edible. It is assumed that a dislike for broccoli was initially characterized by people living in areas with iodine deficiency - to avoid its deficiency. Experiments have shown that glucosinolates prevent its absorption into the body.
Listen to yourself: suddenly arisen taste preferences may indicate urgent needs. For example, if you really wanted to bananas - the body lacks magnesium, butter - vitamin A, a huge piece of meat - iron, black bread - B vitamins sudden craving for some kind of product means that, most likely in the body appeared acute shortage of some materials - and this must be considered.
Fundamentals of gustatory perception laid still in the formation of the body. How do I find researchers from the Monell Center (Philadelphia), the love of some products is formed, even when we are in the womb. If during pregnancy the mother had spoiled myself with vanilla pudding, then there is every chance that the child will assume this product is "his" and perceive its taste as "friendly."
Dietary rules, of course, you need to know and respect, but do not make them absolute dogma. Listen to your body.
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