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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Crystal without a price. Kidney stones

One thing to be a stone in a ring or pendant, and quite another - in the kidneys. To not have to carry it with me everywhere, continually exposing themselves to risk of renal colic, try to eliminate the causes leading to the formation of stones.

Physical inactivity
Our ancestors did 40,000 steps per day, and we're barely up to 3 thousand. The organism is so constituted that if only someone of us sit in the pose of the thinker, the bones start to dissolve and lose their urine mineral - calcium. Once in the urinary system, this macro is deposited in the form of stones. The same thing happens to astronauts in weightlessness and bed-ridden patients. Movement of replacing massage and physiotherapy, and you have more options - walking, jogging, swimming, classes in the gym, dancing, skiing, skating ...
From 7 to 20% of patients with urolithiasis, as Montaigne can blame their parents gave them one of the hereditary diseases: congenital hyperoxaluria, idiopathic acidosis - Butler-Albright syndrome, cystine urolithiasis - abderhalden-Lignac syndrome, renal form of primary hyperparathyroidism ( hyperfunction of parathyroid glands).
Memorize these names are not necessary: simply, if a family history of urolithiasis, do twice a year, a general analysis of urine. This will help detect the disease early on and not give it to develop.
Vitamin A deficiency 

Such deficiency causes roughen delicate mucous membranes of the urinary tract: their epithelium calcify, peeled and dressed in the armor of the salts. Danger of the stones on the soil of avitaminosis A is high among those who are often hungry and dieting to lose weight, or live in the so-called endemic areas, whose population suffers from a lack of vitamin A.
Such places are, for example, in Central Asia, where animal feed are dried herbs. In contrast to the lush vegetation of the middle band they contain little vitamin A - carotene, and dairy products, too, this vitamin-poor - the staple food of the population. However, this summer, and in central Russia weather reminiscent of Central Asian and the grass quickly dried up. So, buying milk, look, whether it is enriched with Vitamin A!
According to statistics, in our country every other resident undergoes vitaminized starvation. Deal with it will help grated carrots with vegetable oil or sour cream, and vitamin complexes.
Vitamin D deficiency
Promotes the leaching of bone calcium and phosphate, fossilized in the urinary tract. Luckily, catching some sun, your skin is stored vitamin D in sufficient quantities. The only ones around the globe who do not have time to do it - the people long deprived of the sun and the polar region ever rainy county of Norfolk in England. If you're going to keep them company, change of residence, you should consider prophylactic administration of vitamin D.
Excess vitamin D 

Also violates the phosphorus-calcium metabolism, causing the formation of stones. This kind of hypervitaminosis suffering inhabitants of the Karakum desert, where 240 days a year tirelessly sun shines, do not know the measure amateur tanning and patients who regularly take vitamin D at the so-called tetany - convulsant syndrome associated with calcium deficiency in the body, and other diseases: they must periodically do a general analysis of urine and protect the skin from sunburn. Food
If you have a stomach ulcer or duodenal ulcer, confirmed by the survey, and simultaneously increased absorbability of nutrients in the gut syndrome (Burnett), usually in these cases, lacto-vegetarian (alkaline) diet in combination with drugs which reduce gastric acidity (eg, food soda), can be dangerous!
Urine, enriched with alkali - that cloud, stuffed hail. "Precipitation" can be prevented by controlling the pH of urine in response to an overall analysis. Acidic or neutral? Nothing to worry about! Stojko alkaline? Must pass inspection and to consult with your doctor about the acidification of your internal environment.
Rigid drinking water
Water from the tap, which contains a lot of calcium, phosphorus, silicon, lead, iron, manganese, titanium and aluminum, generously supplying the urine of macro-and micronutrients to precipitate in the form of kidney stones.
Such water is needed to mitigate the special filters, but to clean it from all the salt in the home is not realistic. Better to buy bottled mineral water with low mineral content: drink it, brew it in tea, cook the soup. By the way, not all salts lead to formation of stones: a magnesium compound, for example, contribute to their resorption, as regulated in the urine of a balance of organic and inorganic substances. 

Sulfonamides, tetracycline, streptomycin, and anticoagulants can themselves become the nucleus of bladder stone. The same applies to caffeine, stimulates the synthesis of uric acid. Those who by virtue of the above reasons predisposed to urolithiasis, these drugs are best not taken at all, all the rest - drink them only 1-2 sips of water, as we usually do, and a full glass, and after treatment must be tested urine. Dehydration
You should receive not less than 2.5 liters of fluid per day (including contained in food), otherwise the body can not flush the kidneys, urine thickens, it will fall out of the crystals that will form the basis of future stones. Keep in mind: the need for liquids increases if the street or in an apartment is hot and dry, as well as the temperature increases, the intestinal infections, an excess of salty, sweet and spicy in the diet, habit is dry rations.

Cracks and fractures, and sprains, which recommended a restrictive regime, violate the exchange of calcium and phosphorus, leading to the formation of stones in both kidneys. If you are recovering from a fracture, you need a massage and physiotherapy, plus once a month to do a urine test. 

Cystitis and pyelonephritis. These are very common women's diseases are often preceded by urolithiasis. Microbes are the most aggressive of them - Proteus vulgaris, decomposing urea to carbon dioxide and ammonia, zaschelachivayut urine and thereby reduce the solubility of salts deposited on the changed inflammation of the renal epithelium. Those who suffered an inflammation of the bladder or renal pelvis, but still not one time, it is necessary to do ultrasound of the kidneys.
Prostate adenoma
For men, it is a huge problem: in every sixth case, it is complicated by the formation of stones in the kidneys and ureters, are stuck in the bladder. Such a stone, inflicting pain and aggravating the already existing with increasing prostate difficulties with urination, as much as 7 years old was the cause of terrible suffering father of Montaigne and, eventually, brought him to the grave. Now much more optimistic outlook. The main thing - not to delay treatment to the doctor, as is usually done by men.

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