Teach your baby go without diapers is not so difficult. We, the parents would like to see it passed as calmly as possible, and faster. But it seems that kids want to decide for themselves when the time comes.
"Your son is still walking around with diapers? But nowadays children ask for a pot already at nine months! "There will always be my aunt or grandmother who would not miss the opportunity to remind you that in two and a half years of your child's time to accustom himself to the pot. A good way to cause you irritation and insecurity in the mother's competence. Especially the children of some of your friends for a year go without diapers. Sometimes anxiety mom is so strong that a sensitive and suggestible child eventually learns to stay dry in order to reduce the prevailing tension around this subject. But at some point the baby may lose this skill, to make sure that such a simple way it can regulate your relationship with him. Small children can easily find our "pain points" - what we are most afraid of: lack of appetite, poor sleep or an inability to control his sphincters. Small sly way in urging us to various relief measures, new toys or sweets. However, in most cases to teach to the pot occurs without hindrance, subject to a few simple rules.
Of course, there are many benefits to early child learned to walk on the pot: the budget disappear spending on diapers, and associates do not get tired to admire the early maturity of the wonder-child, and educational talents of his mother. But there is no truly compelling reason to rush things. Many experts believe that the reason for the appearance of disorders such as enuresis, and chronic delay in the chair, may be too early to teach to the pot. In any case, the child will be ready to stay dry only to the age of about 18 months when he becomes able to control their sphincters. This age is considered to be most beneficial not only in terms of physiology, but also in terms of psychological readiness. It is important to remember that every child develops at their own pace, and, as a rule, boys need more time than girls. This is due to some physiological characteristics.
Starting to wean the child from diapers, be prepared for that at the beginning of his pants will be wet often. Do not scold, and most importantly, no shame for this kid. Shame in this situation is not very good assistant, the child feel guilty and helpless. Remind your child from time to time about the existence of the pot. It is important that the child perceives the pot as a subject, which he readily uses it, feeling themselves at the same time happy and proud of their achievements. And, of course, no stress and duress. At the age of one year to two children are in the anal phase of psychosexual development (as Freud), which, in particular, is associated with the desire for cleanliness and order. Also, this phase is characterized by a special relation to their babies bowel movements, they perceive them as a product of creativity, and pride in their creations. They are pretty hard to get used to the fact that their creations flushed down the toilet. By the way, psychologists analytical direction believe that attempts too early to potty train a child in the future result in reduced creativity and spontaneity. So please be patient and dry pants, a transitional period, of course, quite difficult, but it did not last long. In order for these days and you and the child feel comfortable, choose a time when you do not distract any major concerns.
Every mother finds its way to accustom the child to the pot. For example, wait until he had done in the pants, then join him to shift the "content" in a pot and then into the toilet. Or let the kid himself cope with cistern, most children, this procedure very much. In this area, not so many rules, most importantly - do not forget the words of welcome, addressed directly to the child, not what is in the pot. Then it is not too upset when it is necessary to send him "kaku" in the toilet. It is also better if the pot will take their place in the bathroom, not in the middle of the room. Of course, the first time, sitting the child on the pot - an act not without solemnity, there is, than to admire. But very soon it will cease to be so, so, even if the toilet for some reasons are not too comfortable, choose another private place.
The world is full of miracles, and have children who give up their diapers just for one day. But there are others, and there are many more who do it gradually. If this is your case, try to do so: as soon as your kid went to the potty, put on his pants without a diaper for one hour, then two, then the whole morning. While he was walking without a diaper, regularly ask him if he wanted to pot, especially if he is obsessed with the game. Children have a tendency to run to the toilet in the last minute. Wear your baby pants that can easily be removed. For the first time, if you want to relax, go for a long walk or quietly go shopping, do not hesitate to wear his diaper. All will benefit if you do not worry about the wet pants. As soon as the baby gets used all day to do without diapers, tell him that it was time to learn to stay dry all night. Do not worry if to teach a child to "dry nights" take several months, it is perfectly normal.
What is not good, perhaps, every studio apartment, so this lack of personal space. On the small but lovely bedroom has a dream. We can assume that the owners' sesquioxide "apartments were lucky: the niche may turn into a charming retreat for rest and sleep, which is separated from the rest of the room.
However, in order to maintain the appearance of additional space, it is not necessary to separate the niche walls. The most we can afford - is a ledge with one large or several small windows. Indeed, in this intimate part of the apartment must penetrate the sunlight! And in the room is important to maintain a sense of lightness and spaciousness.
Much more convenient to use a mobile version of the partition, such as collapsible screen. Or better - a "wall", folding like an accordion and leaving the pier.
When folded, it does not violate the integrity of the room and the room looks bigger. But should it expand - and before you a single room! One member of the family can relax in the bedroom, while another is working or watching TV. Of course, the issue of soundproofing a wall will not solve, but the lives of several people in one room will be much easier. By the way, another option (among other things, the most simple in execution) - heavy curtains, which absorb sound well and good to protect a rest from glare.
As the bed is better to choose a sofa. Cozy corner to sleep in seconds turn into a mini-living room. Successful addition to the sofa will be a coffee table on wheels (it can also act as a night stand). With this approach, laid out a bed can take all the niche, and it would not be a problem - at any moment can turn it into a zone for receiving guests.
Privacy and some isolation from the outside world needs a man not only during rest and during working hours. Therefore often placed in a niche computer desk and a small library in one or two bookcases. Divide the total area and "cabinet" can easily shelves that will not interfere with natural light.
By contrast the computer screen can put a small sofa that film fans can enjoy watching the new DVD in a cozy atmosphere. Recently, a computer (especially with a large LCD monitor) is increasingly replacing TV. Therefore, the "computer-related" space needed to equip not only for work but also for the pleasant moments of leisure. Bookcase better place along the farthest from the window wall. A computer desk positioned so that at any time of day shone not monitor, that is sideways to the window.
Separately, you should take care of the publicity. Chandelier over the whole area, the lamp at the computer and the wall above the sofa or chairs - this is the minimum program, which will turn a dark corner of a room suitable for work. In general, the lighting - it is a separate issue for the niche. As a rule, it is located in the farthest corner of the window. Accordingly, the semi-darkness, helps to relax and completely inappropriate in the workplace, may prevail in it even during the day. Therefore, those who work from home are not occasional, but always makes sense to organize the workplace more illuminated side of the room, removing the niche role of the living room or bedroom.
If you decide to make it an office, obstavte room so that it was bright and happy. Cheerfulness and optimism - best friends working! You can decorate the room with bright paintings on the walls or living flowering plants. Great vacation for the eyes, so necessary when working at the computer, ensure the aquarium. By the way, he can play the role of the partition separating the working and "common" area. In this case, both the walls should be left transparent, not pasting them picturesque, but hardly transmits light decorative film. If you are the owner of not only "sesquioxide" apartments, but also an interesting collection, better place than the niche-room, for it is not found.
What else can be placed in a niche? By and large, anything! For example, a dining room, if your house a small kitchen. Imagine that you - well-known designer who was asked to create the interior of a small restaurant, and boldly embody ideas in a small area of his "room to room." And it would be: Japan and retro with cushions on wooden benches, solid leather sofas or frivolous rattan chair - you decide.
We recall only the guests: Make sure that at any moment could pristavit a couple of extra chairs for coming to the tea family and friends. Or maybe, and did put in a niche so popular today, the bar? Whatever was your choice, do not forget how to work on the design of the walls. This is the case, when the avant-garde and expression are welcome! And again, the lighting - it needs to consider no less carefully.
Apartment with a niche - the perfect material for a more radical redesign. For example, separating the niche of the total rooms, you can define it under a kitchenette with electric stove. Then the old kitchen is transformed into the second grade room. And in order to place on the newly made for cooking was not too crowded, one of the walls (between the recess and the corridor) can demolish or make it a wide arched doorway.
If "-half" apartment belongs to the young fashionistas, the niche can become a dressing room. Especially her decorate the mirror an entire wall: the hostess can see myself in all its glory, and the room becomes more visually.
Whatever role or playing a niche in your life, it necessarily will be the most comfortable place in the house. After all, it seems specifically designed to implement the boldest and most unexpected design ideas. And what is especially nice, all aimed at trying to make your life more colorful, beautiful and comfortable.
Children grow very quickly, and we do not have time to look around, as it turns out that they are already very adult. Or at least, by himself so it seems. That is why some mothers have to worry about the fact that my daughter fell in love with an adult boyfriend. How to act in such a situation to protect your child from bugs, but it does not spoil the relationship?
Of course, you must be very careful and sensible. Youthful maximalism and first love make children fractious and stubborn, so a ban here will not help in any case. If you simply get a girl to not communicate with her favorite, she will hate you. Of course, this feeling is temporary, and he grew up, your daughter will understand. But now, she will assume that you are taking away her happiness and love life. Even if you close it at home and make a total control, she could find a way to escape, and to spite you, do even more stupid than it could if you would do differently.
Therefore, try to become her friend. At that age, teens rely on their friends much more than their parents. She must understand that you will not condemn it, to prohibit and to teach. Also, do not tell all your friends and acquaintances that my daughter fell in love with an adult boyfriend. The girl must be offended at you to know that those feelings which at this age seem to be the clean and bright, became public.
The best way out of this situation will be constant communication with my daughter twosome. Just never put pressure on her and did not fish for information. Let her know that she can speak only what she wants and when he wants. Of course, the girl will not immediately trust you, especially if you have previously have been conflicts in such soil. But, if you choose a friendly behavior, in a short time the child will understand that you can all trust and she starts talking about their problems. This information will help decide how best to do next.
Of course, in most cases, these relationships do not lead to anything good, as an adult guy sooner or later, just bored child who is your daughter. But there are times when her lover turns out to be really smart and serious young man who loves a girl. To understand this, ask my daughter to invite him to visit. But in any case, do not insist and persuade. Behave as though you almost do not care. If the guy refuses the invitation, it fully confirms its lack of seriousness. Familiarity with mom girls, mostly just scares those who do not want him to make claims similar girl.
When he did agree, try to evaluate it, and its attitude. Of course, every mother wants the perfect pair for your child, but still worth thinking properly and efficiently.
In conversation with a young man try to be too intrusive, and in any case do not say that, in the opinion of your daughter, may offend or discredit it or the guy. Even if you at first sight realized chto this slippery type, continue to behave naturally and amicably. You do need to get the girl listened to you, so you need to maintain the status of her friends.
If young people really behave decently, then maybe it is better to give him a chance. Just try, whenever possible, to control the situation. It may well be that this young man will be able to make your child happy. So do not let yourself prejudice. Always be objective.
Well, how come when you realize that the young person absolutely not suitable for your daughter? In this case, you must convince her of that. But do not try to bring him to clean water, adjusting the compromising situation. It is unlikely that the girl will believe you. Most likely, she will tell you that you specifically are doing and find thousands of excuses to the guy, even what can not be justified in principle.
Conviction - that's the only way to influence the decision of her daughter. You need to constantly talk to her, to discuss a guy as she does with her girlfriends. In her speech will necessarily slip notes of dissatisfaction with some situations. But with this and need to start. Chance to ask questions about what she does not like, try to simulate the different versions as to why this is happening. But never leave the last word. Let your daughter will be able to comprehend everything, and not try to convince you. Tell her instructive stories about similar situations, but try to ensure that all did not look like sermons. The girl must feel that you communicate on an equal and will never make her give up her beloved. All its decisions must be independent. At least, she should think so. Be patient, behave with restraint and tact. Never show their true relationship to the guy. You're wiser than your daughter and her young man, who okruchivaet girl most primitive methods, several times. So enjoy their privileges. Always act in different situations. Your daughter should consciously think that you are her friend, but subconsciously you feel in the staunch authority. If you are able to achieve this, the words you are to her laws, even if the girl does not realize.
Of course, from unhealthy relationships need to get rid as quickly as possible, but in cases with teenagers, haste may still worsen. So please be patient and try to be aware of everything that is happening with your child. Tell yourself: "This is my daughter, for her sake I am ready to even wait to suffer - just to do no harm!". If you do not tear and does not go to extreme measures of education, in the end, all what you say will be a meaningful way, and a daughter, she will make the right choice. And then you will again be able to sleep soundly and not worry that someone might hurt your little girl and break her heart. Indeed, in the end, even if the baby (and your daughter will always be for you baby) fell in love with an adult boyfriend - it's not the end of the world!
Who knows, maybe if your regular day cream to add an extract of orchids, the resulting mixture will be for you this magic wand, and the skin will be as gentle and beautiful as a flower?
Exotic creams, not all can afford, and need not each. But if you're delighted to feel about new products and is not accustomed to spare money for myself, then take note of some truly magnificent ideas.
Symbol of a beautiful lifeIn Soviet times, was a famous cartoon - "bourgeois" eats caviar spoons. Could hardly find a better symbol of luxury. Times have changed. Let only on holidays, but this exquisite product became available in almost every one of us. Now, luxury is not a jar of caviar in the dining room table, a caviar extract in the cream on the shelf in the bathroom.
Include it in the cosmetic preparations began recently, and because of the few brands in the product line has similar tools. Creams containing caviar, very expensive (from a hundred dollars and above). But, if you believe cosmetologists, and all have tested the action of drugs on themselves, the result is worth it.
Caviar improves micro skin, stimulates the formation of collagen, reduces wrinkles, makes the epidermis elastic and velvety to the touch. The effect is achieved due to high content of protein, vitamins and mineral trace elements needed to supply the cells.
Receiving such a powerful set of nutrients, your skin is "recovering" from within, and natural protective mechanisms that prevent aging and corrosive environment, notably on the rise. Extra bonus - low allergenicity of the extract of caviar. Given the growing number of allergy sufferers, it is perhaps important.
Like many other "luxury" ingredients in cosmetics, black caviar is focused on mature women, after 35-40 years, preceded by acute problem of preserving youth and attractiveness. We have already mentioned that the creams and serums, the extract is quite cope with the task. However, in order to maximize and, most importantly, lasting results, you must take the full course - every day to put the drug on the skin for 30 - 40 days. You can then make a short break and return to your normal moisturizing and nourishing cosmetic. Then again, repeat the "Caviar therapy. This systematic approach will ensure you a lasting effect, but if at the same time you regularly visit a cosmetologist, it is unlikely you will be so upset age-related changes.That grew
Plant extracts in the composition of cosmetic products - for us, not news, but now on the market one after another medication with the most exotic ingredients. Thus, the brand Guerlain has released a line of face care with an extract of the orchid. Brand Tegor uses drugs to strengthen the body Centella Asiatic (centella asiatica) - grass, native to India and Southeast Asia. Indigenous healers have long treated her skin disease. Japan's Kanebo Cosmetics contains real silk, designed to transmit human skin its amazing properties.
However, all these devices are quite expensive, so before you buy them, thinking: they are really needed or you just want to put on a dressing table latest news? Do not forget that exotic ingredients in the creams do not add to "shikanut", and to solve any cosmetic problem.
Especially good for young girls to think is, in fact a complex composition cosmetics can "overload" the skin, reduce its natural protective capabilities. So that all the time. And as the prevention of wrinkles can do exercises every day for the person.

Speaking of unusual plant ingredients, it is impossible not to draw attention to their "national identity" - most of the plants came from Africa or South and Southeast Asia. While European scientists create synthetic chemicals in modern laboratories, and plastic surgeons hone their skills in the East continue to use centuries-old recipes of exposure. Two different cultures offer us two different types of self-care: a fast, high-tech western and leisurely, relaxing oriental. What to choose - it's you. However, to achieve maximum results can also try to combine the methods in both directions. Just remember: in a few days salon procedures experts categorically forbid the use of cosmetics with the original ingredients.Pearl da gold
Another unique component, which, however, is not the first decade of use in cosmetics - is a particle of this 24-karat gold to add to the anti-aging creams and serums.
Gold has a strong bactericidal effect: kills pathogens, without affecting the beneficial bacteria. This is an excellent anti-aging remedy, which day after day, smooths wrinkles. And finally, gold refreshes the skin and helps remove signs of fatigue, which is simply indispensable for modern girls, leading a dynamic life.
This component is used in decorative cosmetics - many reputable brands of creams, powders, eye shadow and lipstick, even with particles of gold. For a party or responsible bye best idea make up, perhaps, not be found.
In addition to the precious metal in the composition of cosmetic products often include pearls. Rather, the powder obtained from it. It gives skin a soft natural glow, tone and improve its appearance.
Often, this ingredient is combined with other "marine" products, such as plankton or algae. This combination allows you to effectively address a range of issues, ranging from prevention of wrinkles and ending with acne. By the way, creams containing powder of natural pearls, recommend young women with skin problems.
There is one "but": Pearl has a bleaching effect. So if you dream about a deep chocolate tan, better choose a different makeup. However, this applies the same rule as for any media with the unusual ingredients: if you want to achieve maximum results - do not buy the advertising and glossy pictures. Do not be lazy to learn about all the possible effects and contraindications. After all, even the most luxurious beauty begins to operate as it should, but in skilled hands.
Making kitchen facilities in a modern style, it is impossible to refuse such a fashionable interior, like a bar. It not only fits well into the rapid pace of our lives, but also creates a special atmosphere of ease, looseness, brings a sense of celebration.
Bar counter will take its place in an isolated room kitchen, help zoned space, if the kitchen combined with dining. Of course, the appearance on the Russian kitchen breakfast bar is the trend of western food culture with its endless "fast fudom. Therefore, in our country where people enjoy a delicious and leisurely meal, it in no way replaces the traditional dining table, but simply took over a small portion of its functions. Can not be fully functional shift the burden of a full table at a trendy piece of furniture. This question is not only tradition, but also basic facilities - elderly people and children have no place in high bar stool.
Can be divided all the options bar racks for a few major groups.
Classic bar - a tall (110-115 cm above the floor) countertop, fixed on the bar consoles. As a rule, it is supplemented by high stools or chairs with cross-leg support. Chairs may be equipped with armrests. Some owners prefer a less high rack and, accordingly, the seat.
Combination with a dining table. In this embodiment, the height of the bar counter corresponds to the height of working table - about 90 cm to the bar stools or chairs matched the average height (63-65 cm). When working in the kitchen on a chair is quite comfortable to sit.
The combined track requires a combination of two levels of height. Higher surface serves as a breakfast bar, and one that is below, serves as a dining table. This option is most often used to separate the kitchen from the living room. A dining table is located in the kitchen area and bar faces the living room. Sometimes this combination is very comfortable. The main thing is that it formed in the interior space without compromising aesthetics.
Bar counter in a kitchen unit in the center of the room. This option is available to owners of large kitchens. Such an arrangement designers call "an island". It is a small sink and hob. Continuation of the surface of a bar fixed to the console. It is sometimes difficult to understand what its purpose, but also a somewhat muddled, the configuration has its adherents. Basically, these are people with a fondness for surprise guests culinary delights, prepared in their presence for special recipes - much like the exotic restaurants in the eastern style.Bar

Can be considered a bar counter in the kitchen, as a nice addition to the traditional furnishings, and can, in contrast, a full bar. This design in no way be tied to the kitchen. It will be a place for the built refrigerator, which will be stored juices, mineral water and fruit and a small built-in sinks, where you can rinse the glasses. And, of course, stands with bottles, Pestryaev variety of labels.
This bar, in the full sense of the word. That is, the place for an elegant bar on kuhneneprinuzhdennogo communication over a glass of good wine. Arrange a bar and you can pool and billiard room, and patio, if any.
Bar counter is not furniture - manufacturers do not offer nearly finished versions. It is rather a design that will consider, design and manufacture to order it. In the salons and shops have a wide selection of various types of shelves, the functional counters, tabletops, highlighters, pins and caps, accessories brushed or chromed metal and other accessories for the kitchen. In developing their model of the bar counter, should take into account the overall concept style interior solutions of the premises where it is installed. If accommodation is planned on the kitchen counter, it should be harmoniously combined with the existing furniture there.
Bar counter can have a one-tier, two-tiered or multi-level configuration. However, the latter now enjoys the lowest demand. clearance kuhniShkafchiki, if any, may be closed, open, glazed, decorated with stained glass windows or illuminated. Very often the bar emphasizes the original form is located above the ceiling and equipped with additional lighting and decorated in a style common to the reception.
The bar is made from any material which is applied to furnish a modern interior. This chipboard, wood, stone, plastic, metal, tile, glass or combinations thereof. To apply the veneer countertops corian. This is a composite that resembles marble in appearance but more durable and to be resurfacing in the event of damage to the surface. Such material is very plastic. Table top of it can have almost any shape - from a circular or rectangular to curved or multifaceted.
Corian Colours varied, it mimics the structure of natural materials such as marble, granite and others. Form countertops usually depends on the kitchen space. While avoiding excessive bends or corners. The design must not interfere with free movement in the room, breaking its ergonomics. Countertops desks and racks are not necessarily made of the same material. The same room with Corian counter dining stolomzamechatelno combined with glass. Contemporary glass design (shelves, doors, table tops), equipped with decorative lighting, look very aesthetically pleasing and original.
When designing a breakfast bar great attention to vertical space that surrounds it: lighting, light shelves, and accessories. Thereto adjacent functional "tree" for placing napkins, wine glasses, wine glasses, fruit, straws. It also may look original, sometimes even eclipsing the design itself stands.
In the small kitchen possible combination of two-level dining room table and breakfast bar. If the places suck a little, the rack can be a continuation of the working table top. It is not necessary to overload such a construction with additional cabinets and accessories. In a standard kitchen high bar will not look organic. Way out could serve as a fixation on a small tabletop functional vertical stand designed to accommodate accessories.

Designing the layout of your bar counter, moderation. This is especially true with regard to space, decorated in a modern ascetic style, where there is scope and clarity of lines, objects are strictly horizontal rows.
Do not forget about the three basic rules: convenience, zoning (separation of the conditional premises) and aesthetic (appearance and harmonious combination with the design of the building). If necessary, you can always hire the services of professionals of stylish accessories for the design of kitchens.
Stained Glass - a story or ornamental composition of colored glass or other material that transmits light. Classic (dial), stained glass is made up of individual pieces of colored glass cut to a definite pattern and interconnected profiles of lead, copper or brass. The richer the texture of the glass, the beautiful and spectacular stained glass.
By the way, stained glass has one exceptional ability, it can be used to focus almost unlimited number of colors needed in order to diversify the most stingy interior.
Stained glass, what it is
Stained Glass - a story or ornamental composition of colored glass or other material that transmits light. Classic (dial), stained glass is made up of individual pieces of colored glass cut to a definite pattern and interconnected profiles of lead, copper or brass. By the way richer texture of glass, so beautiful and spectacular stained glass.
Sunlight, refracted, forcing the glass to burn bright rich colors, making stained glass every time a vivid and unique. Painted in a classic stained-glass window is performed using special paints from the firing, it does not burn and does not disappear for many years.
Tiffany Stained Glass Technology
At the end of last century had invented a new assembly technology, dubbed "Tiffany", named after its creator. According to her, each glass plate is stained recovering foil, then separate the glass solder with each other. Denial of the hard metal framework made possible the use of such decorative items not just as a glass filled openings in the walls, but, for example, as a lampshade for the lamp or as a decoration for the ceilings.
Stained Glass by SGO Technology
In addition to classic, there are several modern methods of manufacture of stained glass. One of them - according to American Technology SGO. On a transparent glass sheet is put a solid multi-layer coating, which gives future product color and texture. Drawing on glass is done using a lead broaches, fixed on both sides of the glass. The technology, which is produced by a stained glass window has several compelling advantages, which provide the increasing popularity of stained glass. First, use as a basis for such a stained glass sheets makes possible its use in insulating glass units in accordance with all technological norms.
Secondly, the basis for that stained glass can be not only silica, but also acrylic glass, which reduces weight. Therefore, this stained glass is often used for decoration of ceilings. Third, this method allows you to create any plastic lines in the figure. And finally, a stained glass window two times cheaper than the classic.
Stained glass fusing technology
The next modern manufacturing techniques of stained glass is called "fusing". The essence of this method is that a solid piece of glass formation is going to figure out the future of the stained glass pieces of colored glass, glass beads, etc. Then, the glass is heated in a special furnace to a temperature of 850 ° C and sintered in a solid layer. Despite the complexity of making, stained glass, made by technology "fusing", may have a different shape, thickness and texture. This allows us to use it as a variety of spectacular interior elements: as partitions, inserts in the wall, as a tabletop. Looks like a stained glass window in a modern and aesthetically pleasing and are popular.
Stained-glass technology Murano glass
There is also a technology of "casting", known here as "Murano Glass". Casting stained glass from his use of metal forms at the bottom of which is embossed grooves. In these deeper poured molten colored glass, which is then covered with a layer of transparent glass. But unlike the glass in the technique of "sintering" drawing on "Murano glass" is limited to the metallic form by which the stained glass was manufactured.
Stained glass by sandblasting technique of engraving on glass and mirror
Stained glass in the art of engraving sandblasting on glass and mirror is much cheaper than previous methods. It is a glass with a minimum thickness of 5 mm, on which several layers of deposited pattern. With this method, you can create a matted picture or make the glass glubokorelefnuyu structure. This allows for all sorts of glass paintings, inscriptions. Basically, stained glass, made by this method is associated with the compositions on the "flower-grape theme, you can also paint and abstract shapes. This stained glass window is ideal for interior design in a classic style.
Film psevdovitrazh
Next to the sophisticated technology of the present stained glass technology today you can find the film or varnish psevdovitrazha psevdovitrazh. These stained glass is not durable and do not give special beauty of the interior.
The latest technology of glass production significantly expanded the capabilities of the functional use of stained glass. Along with the usual use of stained glass as a filling aperture, increasingly began to see ways in which glass is used in the most unpredictable ways: inlay ceilings, which separates the space of partitions, screens, processing plafonds, bras, inserts in furniture (cupboards, cabinets) or countertops, or as the decoration of premises, in the form of panels or even solid surfaces. And thanks to increased attention to environmental material used for interior stained glass is not only a beautiful addition to the interior, but an entirely separate product.
"What to take on the road? How to pack a bag? "- important questions when planning autotravel. On the one hand, the car - this is not a suitcase or backpack. The trunk is almost always much more capacious, so you can not itself particularly limited. And take the road not only vital, but also things for the comfort of the driver and his passengers.
On the other hand, the more loaded the car on a journey, the more fuel eats up its engine, the more money you have to take with them. Each car safety seeking a middle ground on their own. Here you will find the average list of what to take to the road. At its base it is easy to build your list by deleting superfluous. Be sure to read how to pack in luggage all the selected items.
All equipment for autotravel can be divided into several thematic groups:
* Documents and money.
* Car for the trip and spare parts.
* Means of orienteering.
* Household items in autotravel.
* Personal things of car safety.
* Engineering and electronics.
Documents and money for autotravel
Perhaps the money and documents - this is the main answer to the question "What to take on the road?". You can be a car tourists without a car, without the camera, without a change of clothing, etc. In the end, the car you can rent, buy clothes in shops along the way, rather than photographs to buy souvenir postcards in each region. Without money and documents as autotravel not be held entirely or immediately over, before it began.
"Several decades ago, when the service road was not so much to prepare for autotravel had megaserezno. Traveled as a child with his parents to Lake Balkhash. There's a section of track was interesting - 400 miles of desert roads and virtually deserted. No refills, no water, nothing. We rode this section of the day and met with just one truck. And in the middle of the way our car got. The engine overheated, because the electric fan was defective and started to pull the air in the wrong direction. If the father was not at hand the necessary tools, we would have died of thirst. Nowadays everything has changed.
Proper preparation of the car for the trip includes primarily literate account of the budget. Here we have smashed the window in the Czech Republic, five thousand miles from his home service center. Here's how to prepare such a surprise? I can not imagine. Glass, in any case with a carry? Of course, I have decided the issue on the spot, good service in the Czech Republic a lot. Just have to have some money in reserve. You know the state of his car and planning on the basis of this your budget. The budget for the possible failure - is a necessary part of preparation for autotravel "(Alexander Butorin).
First, about the money for autotravel. Obligatory costs in the road - fuel, accommodation, catering, parking. Model calculation of the budget looks like.
You should also consider the following expenses: registration of all documents and the car in front autotravel, parking, restaurants, discos, local attractions, toll roads (for example, during autotravel Europe), souvenirs, ferries, shopping and other entertainment. And yet it is necessary to lay the reserve - a kind of emergency supply of money. This expenditure part of the whole depends on the state purse and car safety is determined situationally. Theoretically it completely, but the reserve can be reduced to zero if is such a problem. As an emergency reserve money car safety usually lays about 10-15% of the budget autotravel. Reserve money is kept in cash, apart from the major money. They are easy to wear a special belt bags, dress up a shirt, or in special trouser belt with a cavity inside. Such bags are sold in most stores tourist equipment.A few more tips:
* It is desirable to identify a person in his hometown, which in the case of force majeure will send you the money. Necessarily agree with him "on the shore."
* If sent abroad, for example, in autotravel Europe, pay attention to the currency of the country where you go. It is advisable to enter a country already with local money on hand, so as not to change them to a very high rate immediately at the border. Otherwise, on the border of changing financial minimum required to live up to the meeting with other exchanger. For example, the local currency is preferred in Britain, the Czech Republic, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Slovakia, etc.
* Credit cards - a great way to carry money with you. Consult in advance with your bank whether your card is suitable for calculations in the route autotravel. For example, a Visa Electron card is not accepted in EU countries. Maps should take necessary, especially if you go in autotravel in Europe. The fact that some services (car rental, cheap flights, discount stores) can, in principle, pay in cash. Another plus of a credit card: if it is stolen, then you can block it efficiently, thereby saving money.
A few words about the documents, what to take on the road. Complete list:
* All documents in the car.
* The Russian driver's license,
* International driving license (if you go in autotravel Europe). It is made in the traffic police at the place of residence within a few days,
* The Russian internal passport,
* Foreign passport with appropriate visas (if you go in autotravel Europe)
* Medical insurance, medical insurance policy,
* Green Card or Green Card (if you go in autotravel Europe)
* Sticker RUS for those vehicles, public facilities that do not contain the distinguishing sign of the state (if you go in autotravel Europe).
Since each document must be removed in 2 copies. Then decompose the collected copies of application forms in different places in the car.Car travel and spare partsSince the greatest burden during autotravel falls on car in its preparation makes sense to approach the most carefully and thoroughly. So, before a long run to eliminate all the malfunction of the car, as well as to conduct preventive work. Load on the highway increase many times compared with the city, increasing the likelihood of unpleasant road accidents. Fortunately, if the route autotravel will lie in an area with developed infrastructure of service stations. And if not? Of course, remain on the highway passing by other cars. However, not everyone is ready in our age of high crime to stop at the request of the voter on the sidelines. And those who did stop, may not be able to solve your problem. According to statistics, 99% of drivers do not have sufficient knowledge and skills, as well as the necessary number of tools to make yourself be able to eliminate the problem in the car. The prospect of "messing around with a broken car on the track" can hardly be called attractive, especially during the cold season. Therefore advised to give the car in the caring hands of professionals and use only high quality parts and materials. So, what work must be made before autotravel:
* Replace all consumables: motor oil, brake fluid, filters, candles, belts, brake pads.
* Perform the alignment of wheels. Replace badly worn tires.
* Check carefully braking system (brake discs and pads). Replace cracked brake hoses. Eliminate stains brake fluid.
* Check the suspension and chassis. If necessary, replace the shock absorbers, springs, levers.
* Adjust engine - the gaps in the valve mechanism, the tension of belts and chains, the time of installation of ignition, carburetor, radiator, cooling fans.
* Set the fog lights.
* Inspect mirrors and stoplights.
* Repair cracked glass, mechanical damage and visible strain on the car body. Autotravel for Europe is necessary to eliminate shading on the windows. She may be banned traffic regulations in certain countries.
From spare parts with them in autotravel recommended to take:
* Tow rope,
* First-aid kit, purchased not earlier than six months ago
* Jack,
* Warning triangle (during autotravel Europe may also require that a vehicle other than the sign was an emergency reflective vest)
* Fire extinguisher of not less than one liter, purchased not earlier than six months ago,
* The compressor (pump) for pumping the wheels
* Spare wheel one or two, be sure to podkachennoe,
* Gas canisters. And a full tank of gasoline required. "We have a sleeper superstition: if there is no petrol in the tank, it is better not to go. Just kidding)) "(Alexander Butorin).
* A set of tools in a plastic box (the keys to loosen nuts, bolts and screws, screwdriver, pliers, sandpaper, gloves, files)
* Spare set of fuses electrical circuit,
* The stock liquids (per liter of motor oil, antifreeze, brake fluid)
* Spare bulb headlights
* Spare candles
* Means for cleaning the windows of sticky insects and bird droppings, and rags,
* Mud tires and winch, if you travel on off-road vehicle on the sand at high water and soft soil, the dry riverbeds and mountain passes, where ever you risk getting stuck,
* Trap warning,
* Additives that increase the octane number of fuel if your car is running on 95 th or 98 th gasoline. During autotravel in Russia, especially somewhere in the boonies, you might encounter at the gas station with the absence of these fuels.

Tools orienteeringGPS-navigators perfectly solve the problem of orientation in unfamiliar terrain. When deciding what to take to the road, be sure to place the in-car GPS-system. It is especially important to do this if autotravel be in an area where the principles of traffic management (numbering lines, the organization of road junctions) differ from the native and habitual for you. The main reasons to use GPS-navigator:
* GPS-navigator does not let loose and get lost car safety, which saves time.
* GPS-navigator is able to warn of excessive speed, that will save the budget autotravel (fines do not have to pay).
* Where would you not want to spontaneously go, you can always advance estimate to calculate the route and time on the road.
* GPS-navigator shows traffic congestion, which allows mobile to respond by changing the route and, again, saving time. Many kinds of navigation programs, not only display information about traffic jams, but also offers the option of a detour.
* Connect to the Internet, we can maintain the relevance of information in the GPS-maps. Thus, car safety does not have to worry that his road atlas is outdated.
* If you're not very sociable, a GPS-navigator with no need to ask for directions from pedestrians.
"I am 11 years old navigator. There were not any GPS-navigators, or pointers to most Russian roads. Only paper maps and atlases. Father taught me to control the situation by the sun, the topography, the rivers. Nowadays, I, of course, use GPS-navigator. Moreover, that high technology - this is my hobby. However, with the navigator lost a sense of travel in the old sense. When lying on his knees Frayed satin, turned into a creative journey, based on their ability to navigate the world around you "(Alexander Butorin).
If you or your co-driver "for you" with electronics, then you will need to stock up on road atlas locations for which the route passes autotravel. It is best to buy these cards directly at the entry to the region. For example, at gas stations, at border crossings or at the tourist office. Maps in bookstores are usually old. Paper maps are good even in situations where you do not know the local language. You may find it easier to ask how to get to the target, pointing to the map. A local resident will be easier to show you the answer.Household items in autotravelThere are standard lists for the sleeper that take in the way of household items:
* Camping Tent, mats, foam at the bottom of the tent, sleeping bag, if you plan on spending the night in a tent.
* Ax, saw, matches, shovel, pots, lighter, if you plan to plant fires.
* Folding tables and chairs, air mattresses.
* Kerosene stoves or gas burners, and removable cylinders for them, perhaps an electric tile, pots, pans, plates, spoons, forks, knives, cups, cutting boards, plastic containers for food, cloth and dishwashing detergent if you plan to cook independently. Utensils can be disposable.
* Lanterns forehead and a large, preferably batteries to charge them from the network. Portable lamp clips with a length of cord from 3 meters.
* BBQ grill or barbecue skewers, cooler bag.
* Thermos.
* Corkscrew and can opener, it is desirable to complete a jackknife.
* Pack moist sanitary napkins.
* Insect.
* Large capacity (4 liters jerry cans for a few pieces) in the water.
* Water filter or a means to decontaminate water.
* Large umbrella-mushroom from the sun.
* A piece of polythene or tarpaulin 3metra at 3 meters. It can be used as a tent from the rain or the tablecloth.
* Toilets.
* Rope, clothespins.
* Toilet paper.
* Soap.
* Notepad, pen, pencil.
* Plaid, pillows.
* Plastic bags of various sizes.
* Electric or boiler.
* Laundry detergent and a big pot to wash. If you put in the morning before going into the tank dirty things, powder and water, by the end of the day, at the time of the stop for the night, all by itself wash.
* Towels.
* Iron.
* Extension cord with plug, tee, adapter for the outlets for autotravel Europe.
* Provision of products: instant soups, bottled water, instant coffee, sugar, tea bags, bread, smoked sausage, candy, chewing gum.

Personal belongings of car safety
There are standard lists for the sleeper that take a journey of personal items:
* Shoes and clothing (spare change, warm clothes) in an amount that depends on the willingness and capability.
* Makeup for women.
* Personal hygiene products (toothbrush, toothpaste, razor for men, cosmetics for women, protection from the sun cream, hairbrush or comb).
* Sunglasses (required!! Indispensable for driving while driving toward the bright sun).
* Books to read. Possible in electronic format as files. Electronic books can fit in your laptop or phone, at which you will read them and take up less space than paper books.
* There are standard lists for a sleeper that take a journey of personal items: Shoes and clothing (spare change, warm clothes) in an amount that depends on the willingness and capability.
ElectronicsThere are standard lists for the sleeper that take in the way of appliances and electronics:
* The camera and accessories.
* Camera and its accessories.
* A device for listening to audiobooks and music in formats wav and mp3. Drives and flash cards with audio books and musical recordings.
A device for charging cell phones, laptops, razors (car converter 12V - 220V).
* Laptop, DVD-player or a PDA for browsing movies (not in the way!). Drives and flash cards with movies. Charger, batteries and carrying case.
* Portable gaming console for the kids.
* Air conditioning / temperature control.
* Trap warning. However, we must remember that in some European countries banned the use of trap warning at the level of legislation.
* Cell phone and charger to it. Enough money in the account. Install in-car holder for the cell phone Hands-Free, to free his hands for steering. This will provide additional safety.
* Radio. "If you go with two or more cars, the station will save time and hassle, and more convenient to warn of traffic policemen. I have a radio station operating in a range of communication truckers, it's interesting to listen and talk as a "(Alexander Butorin).
A separate question before every long autotravel - is the price of roaming. Compare to the regions in autotravel cost of outgoing calls and sms from several mobile operators. And then you choose the most suitable operator. Also, consider that you can reduce the cost of telephone calls, buying a local SIM card.How to pack the luggage
All items from the list of "what to take to the road?" Coberi a day before autotravel that in a hurry do not forget. Remember that every extra kilogram of the road increase fuel consumption, and, respectively, and the budget autotravel. After gathering stage begins stage "as packed luggage?":
* Trip for things not just the trunk, but also a place under the seats, seat yourself (you can spread out a blanket or sleeping bag).
* To maximize boot space organizes several smaller packets than one large bag.
* Properly dispenser bags, based on how often you plan to use it on the road. Change of clothes and footwear, swimwear, food, books, handheld video game consoles for kids, tools and spare parts is better to put at your fingertips.