The Netherlands itself, 40% of which is situated below sea level and it is literally "created" by people earth could already be self-sufficient cultural monument. The entire coastline of the country is surrounded by a whole system of dams and other waterworks, the total length of which exceeds 3 thousand km. The city of Holland - masterpieces of medieval architecture which combines the majestic cathedrals, picturesque canals, historic houses, churches, town halls and naisovremenneyshie facilities.
Plantation of flowers - "calling card" of Holland, in the spring almost the entire country is covered with multicolored carpet of flowering plants that, in contrast to the constantly gray sky the sea, creates a mouthwatering flavor of this land. Another integral part of the Dutch landscape - windmills, many of whom still perform their functions.
Amsterdam (dam on the Amstel River ") - a city of hundreds of channels through which, nowadays there are more than 600 bridges, the most beautiful of them - and Blauburg Maher Bruges (" Skinny Bridge "). Channels - an indispensable attribute of all trips in the city - from the water you can see the most attractions in Amsterdam, hundreds of picturesque bridges, feel the spirit of the city and its indescribable atmosphere. Amsterdam - one of the largest art museums and centers in the world. You can visit the largest art museum of the Netherlands and one of the best in Europe - Reyksmyuzeum (in 1885, Flemish painting XV - XVII cc.) Dutch historical museum in the east wing Reyksmyuzeuma, Museum of Contemporary Art Stedeliyk (contemporary art), the Van Gogh Museum with the world's largest collection of his works (some 200 paintings and 580 drawings), Rembrandt museum in the building of the XVII century. on Yodenbreystraat Historical Museum in Amsterdam, the famous Museum of the tropics, Anne Frank museum, numerous museums diamond factories, the Museum of Brewing company "Heineken", the Cabinet of cats, the Jewish Historical Museum in the joint building of the 4 synagogues, unique in Europe Museum of hashish, marijuana and cannabis Udeziyds Ahterbyurgval and located in a nearby building
Museum of tattoos and lots of others, not less original collections.
In addition to historical and cultural monuments, lots of reviews draws the famous red-light district "in front of Central Station and excellent shopping in the city - from the" flea markets "and the area Vatrelupleyn Spain," flower market "along a single and Troy area (Myuntpleyn), to chic jewelry Coster Diamonds shops, Amsterdam Diamonds Centre and others. Traditional places for shopping are areas of streets Kalverstrat, Nieuwe-Vendiyk, Rockin, Damstrat, Leydsestrat and Viyzelstrat, as well as areas of Jordan and Magna Plaza. Market complex Zwart Markt, located 15 km. north of the city, considered the biggest market in Europe. The Hague (Grafenhage) - the seat of government, parliament and the royal court, the third largest and one of the oldest (1248) cities in the country, although the status of The Hague was only in 1811 This is the city officials, diplomats and senior citizens. It is also the Palace of Peace, which runs the International Court of Justice. Around the old castle Binnenhof (1248), which now meets the country's parliament - the
States General, lies the historic city center

Not far from The Hague are located world-famous seaside resort Shveningen and the ancient city of Delft (1246) - the birthplace of the famous Dutch blue and white porcelain, famous for along with that of its Renaissance Town Hall.
Rotterdam, Europe's largest port and second largest city, lies on one of the northern branch of the extensive delta of the Rhine - p. Lek. For the first time chronicles mention it in 1238, and by the 1340 Rotterdam is already one of the major cities of Europe. The old city was almost completely destroyed during World War II, so the old monuments almost did not survive, but recovered a modern Rotterdam amaze bold architectural solutions and business activity. Utrecht - old university town situated in the center of the country. A characteristic feature of the city - two canals connected by numerous bridges with surrounding houses, which in the Middle Ages served as a warehouse - goods from the barges to warehouses included over directly. Now the terrace of the first tier are turned into numerous charming cafes and restaurants, and themselves serve as channels for the most part, for pleasure trips and relaxation.
Along the northern coast of the country stretches province of Friesland and the Wadden islands, interesting, primarily for its "wild" landscapes, sand dunes, numerous lakes, pine forests, seaside resorts and secluded villages, preserved their cultural identity is an ethnic group living friezes.
Amsterdam - Amsterdam, Carnival (February), Amsterdam the week of Art and Blues Festival (March), the annual demonstration against Racism (March 21), smay main holiday - Queen's Birthday (April 30), Dutch Theatre Festival (June), Jazz Festival North Sea (July), the big annual parade (15 August), the beautiful Flower Festival (September), Jordan Festival (mid September), the International Festival of cannabis (the third week of November), a solemn procession of Santa Claus (December 6), the day of St. Nicholas ( 5-19 December) and the day of St. Sylvester (December 31). In Maastricht, conducted the famous Food Festival "Privenemint" (last Sunday in August). In the summer across the country held traditional fairs and folk festivals - "Kermes", as well as many "days of the fisherman", various music festivals and sporting events.
Individual tours

In Holland, what to see. First and foremost is to get acquainted with the traditional rural architecture of Holland "Openlyuhtmuzeum" - a kind of open-air museum. In a small area collected the original farm houses, mills, which is unthinkable without the Dutch landscape. Walking through the intimate paths of the park, you can see the real cow farm or collection of traditional costumes of the Dutch.
Mills - an integral part of the Dutch landscape, giving it an unusual charm and originality. Traveling by water in Kinderdijk gives the opportunity to see 19 of these mills, built in 1740. One of them is open to the public, and on Saturdays from June to August you can see how the mill works.
In the archaeological park "Arheon" reconstructed the entire history of the Netherlands. Visitors will learn how farmers treated their fields, the Roman legions built a wall around their camps, and medieval monks at the abbey brewed beer, as well as what was for lunch at the primitive man, a Roman or medieval person would be able to swim on utlom canoe or a huge cave.
In Holland survived a fortress and a lot of castles and fortresses. Fortress Ammersoen known since the XIV century. Now it is an exhibition of objects found during excavations in the trench. Castle Middahten, built in 1190 (modern wall rebuilt in the XVII century) - one of the few fully-preserved along with the whole situation locks. The largest castle De Haar is located near Utrecht. It was rebuilt in 1892-1912, respectively. To make room for a park at the castle, was relocated an entire village. The only castle in the country, built on bedrock - Valkenburg, known since 1100. Subsequently, he was repeatedly destroyed and then re-built. Feature of the castle is a system of underground tunnels leading to the velvet cave.
In the Netherlands there are more than 20 historic towns and villages. One of the most popular Delft - a historic, well preserved town an hour's drive from The Hague. Captivate beautiful market square, Cathedral, Town Hall, narrow canals with picturesque bridges and almost toy-like houses with gardens along the canals. Here is the mausoleum of William of Orange, the founder of the ruling dynasty. The city is the center for the famous Dutch blue and white porcelain.
In the small, historic fishing village of Volendam survived numerous tiny fishermen's houses along the canals. Here you can see the traditional folk costumes.
A fishing village on the island of Marken was to drain the lake Zyuyderzee. Preserved many wooden houses on stilts built for flood protection, which are regularly flooded the island. Current residents here are suits that have remained unchanged since the XVII century.
Christmas Tours
New Year's Eve the Dutch celebrate Saint Sylvester. December 31 all in a hurry to get up early: the one who got the last one gets the nickname "Sylvester" and must pay a fine. In the old days, the girls tried to be especially diligent and do all their work before the sun goes down, so in the coming year must get married. A Dutch children are most fond of St. Nicholas Day (December 5). On this day, they arrange costumed processions and receive a gift bags filled with traditional sweets. Yet the most important holiday - it's December 25 Christmas Day.
In the Netherlands worth visiting for Christmas. They say that in the holy night of the animals here are beginning to talk in a human, and the water becomes wine. And not an ordinary wine, and good French. They say that this night you can see firsthand "wild hunt" evil forces led by Water. People's fantasy in this dance has found a place even historical persons - Attila, Charlemagne and Napoleon. You'll see, no, no and yes glimpse of some characters from Russian history. In some towns can be seen as trumpeting the Christmas horn to ward off the infernal hunt participants. This is a long curved horn (it reaches a length of a meter, or even half) is made of wood or metal used in the horn blew throughout the Christmas holidays - from Christmas Eve to Epiphany. Or maybe you'd see in a Dutch house magic plant "Jericho rose" (which does not roses) or some other evergreen rarity. Evergreen, as is known - a symbol of rebirth.
It is therefore important for the New Year close to a green source of life, why we with you and dress up your Christmas tree. A good idea to visit the Netherlands and then to play for the Christmas table in a "bean of the King" and choose his queen, with which you have long maintained a strong mystical connection. Chosen as court jester, nobleman, Black Peter. In this great need to repeat all the movements of the king and queen. On the second day of Christmas, December 26, Protestants attend different concerts, and the Catholics - Commemoration Day of St. Stephen, considered the patron saint of domestic animals, especially horses. In the temples consecrated hay and oats. The village boys are home armfuls of hay, leaving each house a piece of the cow, and the owners treat them. Everywhere organized equestrian events.
The whole country, especially Amsterdam, littered with souvenirs. In the souvenir shops, Christmas stalls and flower markets to buy all sorts of things .. Do not forget to bring a typical Dutch gift - a rare bulbs in beautiful cannikin. True, the souvenirs are quite expensive. Netherlands - a truly magical country. At Christmas it is particularly noticeable.
Cheese Tour
Chief cheese town of Holland - Gouda. However, cheeses with the same name, which we buy in Russia, most likely not from Holland. Oddly, the name of Gouda is not patented, and used by many firms. In the same city cheese made mainly for the domestic market. For many people in the town of cheese-making is not just a job, but really a way of life.
Several times a year in Gouda cheese are special holidays. On the main square in front of City Hall throwing a big cheese fair, which is scattered around many tents with various souvenirs. In these tents can be purchased Dutch wooden shoes, and candles, and crafts of local artisans. And, of course, cheese. That is what is missing! Cheese, onions, peppers, various herbs, garlic and bacon. Grade soft, hard, soft, spicy. Everything is impossible to list! This fair is very popular among tourists, so visitors are here specifically to suit the show. Dressed in national costumes the actors unfold this idea is portrayed old selling cheese. First, the huge head weighed on special scales, and then they are transported on carts horse. (By the way, is now so sometimes weigh no cheese, and tourists, and then issue a certificate where it is written, how many pounds you!)
And in some tents can also try the hot, freshly baked pancake, is another native Dutch dish. In general, such a fair here, a real celebration. And it's good, bustling trade fair covers all moods. Everywhere music, vanity, fun, even dancing (yes, people are dancing on the square!). In my opinion, here, in front of City Hall, at the fair, it was all just a few centuries ago!
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