Anything else that 15 years ago, the now fashionable notion of "design" circumvent side aquarium. Aquariums, even ordered individually, were mostly rectangular with a minimum of decoration. There was a view that the aquarium and no-nonsense good for any decor. But the growing consumer society demanded more refined manifestations of the beautiful (without the quotes) life more comfortable and harmonious interiors, complex projects, modern materials and technology. And suddenly, it turned out that aquariums are not so well fit into their context, bad harmony with the furniture and decor. The desire is to have at home a little underwater world remains, and designers set about remedying the situation.

However, one of artistic taste and architectural education was not enough. Aquarium - the biological system, and is quite complicated. Processes occurring in it require specific conditions: light, temperature, oxygen saturation.
For the care and control of the aquarium is necessary to connect various devices: compressors, filters, heaters, and in case of marine aquarium their number multiplied. All this economy roars, runs cooler and requires no maintenance. Lack of knowledge led to apparent errors in the design (by the way, they are quite common today). In general, there was a demand for aqua. It combines the two inseparable components: the exterior design of the aquarium directly and interior design of biological systems.Let us consider in more detail each of them
The exterior design is necessary in order to complex, consisting of the aquarium, stand and lamp, blends harmoniously with the interior space. Modern technologies and equipment allow the aquarium to perform it so that it is best suited to the surrounding space. The curvature of the silicate can repeat or complement bends of walls and furniture, and for acrylic glass in general there are no restrictions other than the laws of physics and common sense. Finish lamps and coasters make aquarium decor or a part of it apart in the visual center, around which the track will be built premises.
For example, you can place an aquarium in a niche by giving the front glass wall of a bend, and divide them to two rooms, passing thus the idea of unity of space, but leaving the security of both the intimate spaces. And you can just use the aquarium as a wall dividing the space into functional zones. These areas are now becoming the most popular
With aquarium separates the kitchen from the dining area or bedroom from the living room. You can put a glass column and place them in the Greek style, "linking" aquarium with a classic design of the cabinet, or put a coffee table-aquarium. Tastefully decorate the wall will help aquariums-paintings, which are now very impressive size. They do not get lost in a large space hall. Ring-polytope with sharks adorn the lobby office of any company, unless of course you are a real "business sharks" and can afford such a luxury.
Work on the exterior design should begin at the design stage (if the premises are new or repaired capital) or prior to repair (if the repairs are cosmetic). Such an approach would safely take all the necessary communications and maximize hide all service systems. Also, it is necessary to eliminate potential design errors after consultation with experts aquarium companies. I hope you do not have to maintain aquariums height of 80 cm by 15 cm in the niche, or to think about how to strengthen the floor or change the cabinet, stand at the ready, but not flooded the aquarium, because the load on the floor more acceptable in a few times, and under the floor of another 19 floors occupied by nice people.

The second component of aqua - aquarium design of biological systems. Needless to say, the foundation's internal design is the ability of biological systems to thrive in the conditions created by experts. This is facilitated by the rules for selection, installation and configuration of equipment, selection of aquatic organisms (fish, invertebrates and plants), set up your aquarium, as well as his timely efficient service. Everything must be done to fishes live well, but do not forget a loved one. The aquarium should bring you joy and aesthetic pleasure.
Simply put, what you see in the aquarium every day, should at a minimum you like. Design of any aquarium is based primarily on talent and personality of its creator - whether amateur or professional. Go to our notions of beauty adds a great variety of fish, plants, soil, backgrounds, decorative items. Therefore, design options can be infinitely many. However, one way or another, aquariums, and have common features, allowing to allocate in this diversity, some types. Of course, the selection is rather arbitrary, but it is essential for several reasons.
Firstly, it will help future owners of approximately determine the direction in which the project will further develop housing for the fish. Secondly, allow the correct selection of fish, plants and decorative items. Third, knowing the type of registration, the owner can receive expert advice on the contents of the aquarium specialists.
Uniform classification with less precise criteria do not currently exist. As such, we offer readers of the court's own version based on years of experience in designing and building aquarium complexes.
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