Gazebos - light, "airy" construction on the plot, you can enjoy nature and fresh air, regardless of weather conditions. Roof gazebo to give over your head can take refuge and from the July heat and from the September rain. Our article tells you how to build a gazebo to give their own hands.
Designs and types of garden arbors known countless. For giving pergolas are brick, metal, wood, round, rectangular, octagonal, open and glazed, etc. The choice of design and material production depends on the destination and the place where it will be a gazebo. It is also important to take into account the aesthetic preferences of the owners of the site.
For all the diversity of species in gazebo have one thing in common: each pavilion to testify should not resemble the capital structure, it should create the illusion of lightness, transparency, unity with nature. So when you begin to make an arbor with their hands, be sure to remember this moment.
In order to build a gazebo, the first step is to determine where it will be located, to determine wind direction and which side is most often the sun. Then you need to guess how many people will be placed in the gazebo, will it be glazed, what form it will have. Then you should decide what material will be made gazebo. Get all the information you can begin drawing a design project for giving pergolas. Perhaps the concept of a design project sounds too dignified for such a small facility, but believe me, even a simple drawing of the hand will give you lots of information and will continue to avoid most mistakes. In addition, wage-builders will also be easier to submit the progress of your thoughts.
Of all the materials available in a small building, many people prefer to work with wood. What's good about wood? First of all, it's very easy material for the DIY. Almost all of the work can be done with a minimum set of tools and alone.
I decided to make an arbor of rectangular shape with dimensions of 3.5 by 2.5 meters, height of 2,5 meters of wood, designed for 8-10 people. To get started promptly inserted by hand a small figure, pointed to it size and proceeded to markup of the terrain. The site I chose a flat, fixed pegs, fishing line pulled between them and, again, live, checked the size (set furniture, sat). Determined that the input I will have one of the big parties, respectively, at the passage of the railing I will not do. Guides on where the poles will be installed.
I did not make the wooden platform inside the gazebo, while often giving pergolas to lift off the ground. I just laid out "gender" pergola paving slab, which remains with me from laying a parking for my car. At the corners of the perimeter, I planted four 3-meter pole section 100 × 100 at a depth of 500 mm. Then added to large parties in the middle, one more post of the same size. Before you put the poles into the ground, I handled that part which was to be under the earth, tar and wrapped the roofing material. Place each column into a hole, lined in height and filled the horizon and, previously harvested by cement mortar.
To fix the poles during alignment, I used the 3-meter rail, fixing poles to each other in different places. It is very important to exhibit poles exactly on the level. A day later, when the solution has got a grip on the upper edge of the post I put circuitry of the beam cross section 50 × 100 mm on all four sides, check the horizon and the fixed rail. In the corners of gazebo to give, at the intersection of the boards, I chose the quarter to rail was flat on all sides.
After all these steps, I started manufacturing roof. I decided to do a roof gable, covered with shingles. Butt the roof is located on small parties, slant - for long. I got to 4 lines on each long side of the arbor to testify, United horizontal cross-bar (it turns out the letter "A"). This design pergola to give a very simple and reliable. All four of truss construction, the letter "A" I found a mate on tying board, joined them together strips and fastened directly to the beam.
I decided to cover the roof OSB (OSB - oriented strand board) with a thickness of 12 mm, although would fit and plywood. As I cleaned OSB fixing rail. After that, laid shingles, has covered ridge and found protective strips on the edge.
Important! Necessarily need to handle the tree protective compounds, it will increase resistance of wood to weather and pests action.
In principle, this basic construction work to build pergolas with their hands over.
And now begin the decorating gazebo for summer residence, it is now possible to give play to your imagination. We will deal with the installation of handrails and the top frame of the roof. Decreased by about the height of 1100-1200 mm mounted handrail. Balusters, balusters, may be drunk, carved from wood, but often make a solid cladding to the specified height, as sometimes Rooms' under handrail is also back, if you put inside the bench. Another is the extra protection back in windy weather. Above, a slant roof, we can make the plates of rods connected by a criss-cross. Decorate the ends of roof racks or overlapping, or cross-wise, here it depends on your imagination.
Still possible to hold the wiring harness, hang pots with flowers, etc. ..
That's all arranged the furniture and enjoy a hot tea or barbeque outdoors even around the clock.Of course, here described making arbors to give a simplified, many operations and minor points are not taken into account. You are free to develop a work plan with all the nuances that add the "flavor" to the project, creating a gazebo of your dreams.
Believe me, "no gods bake bricks, you could do it. Feel free to make a gazebo with your hands and enjoy the results and nature!
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