Physical cleansing in Tibetan - is a science. If you strictly follow it, you have to say, to cleanse the kidneys ripening melons and watch live on Bahçe, eating them alone, and black bread. And to be clear (from the Tibetan point of view) teeth, morning and evening should eat garlic cloves. Agree, that is not capable of such feats each.
But you can make a universal collection of Tibetan cleansing. This collection will bring the magic of body salts, toxins and excess cholesterol. Needless to say, how it will affect your figure? Although this Tibetan collection includes more than 30 kinds of herbs, you can do the following "Russified" recipe:
Take 100 g of chamomile, St. John's wort, immortelle, birch buds and leaves of strawberry. 2 tablespoons collection pour 400 grams of boiling water. Let sit overnight, then strain.
No less can be magical for you ginger, which you are used to absorb between sushi and sashimi in Japanese restaurants. Did you know that this is one of the best means of purification and rejuvenation?
1 teaspoon minced or grated ginger, pour boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. Drink tea instead.
Tibetan purification of the lunar calendar
This technique will help you regain strength, to get rid of negative energy and lose weight by 2-3 kg. To fight the negative forces will be thrown the best - your professional and SPA-center. Strictly follow the instructions:
Find out when the Moon is expected. Two days before the start it has only the following products: soy sprouts, soy milk, ginger root, celery, fennel, garlic, zucchini, cabbage, carrots, dandelion, green pepper, parsley, radishes, asparagus, squash, green beans, mushrooms, vegetable oil, grapefruit, lemons, strawberries, green apples. Drink a kind of water, take vitamin C.
With the full moon does not eat, drink only kind of water. The interior offers a 2.5 - 3.5-hour program of purification. It includes:
steaming in herbal bath (two to eight visits) for 5-10 minutes. Between sunset you can make medicinal teas and relax. A specialist will make you a surge lymph nodes to the output of slag;
exfoliating body scrub with salt and herbs;
Herbal Body Wrap;
energy massage.
The next two days, eat only foods from the list.
Eight days after purification, meditate on the candle, mentally, "burning" in the flame of all the heavy thoughts.Tibetan Energy Massage
This treatment does not cure illnesses. He treats your relationship to reality. Make it not everyone can. Tibetan Energy Massage techniques are taught only to highly skilled professionals, in which the artist sees the "spark" of talent.
Tibetan Energy Massage is aimed at the removal of energy "blocks", the correct distribution of energy. Most units are located in the spinal column. During the massage, positive energy slowly spreads through the body and exits through the negative energy flows. In practice, this means that you can use it to get rid of complexes, depression, various kinds of ailments. How your mobile phone needs a "charge", and you need a hand specialist. In addition, massage is combined with elements of aromatherapy, and that in itself is relaxing.
If you decide to take a course of massage, be prepared ... speak. Experts say that in some patients, their problems are written on the face. Others need several sessions to relax. However, after a massage specialist must speak with you. First, he explains that from his point of view happens to your body. Secondly, just listen to you. Your reaction to the massage can be different - from quiet sleep to crying bitterly. It should not be afraid. But then the phrase "born again as a" stop for you to be a dead letter.
Listen to a specialist should: his hands can feel what your body is in no hurry to tell you. For example, the therapist can "see" the hands of a sick liver. A diseased liver - a sign of anger and misguided expectations. Kidney problems - a symbol of fear and kospleksov with digestion - a daunting task. And only your smile at the end of the session said that with all that you are finally able to fight.
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