the not so distant days of our kitchen had the stereotypical volumes
and stereotyped распланировки. In the kitchen, the volume of which do not exceed 9 mtr, and were often even less, had to have that kitchen furniture that has been able to find: a bulky, awkward and very heavy kitchen cabinets and tables, which provide a maximum amount of employment space is not so much not a highly functional, but and simply unattractive furniture. In other places literally crowded
freezer and a cooker, due to the place for the reception of food was
very small.
At the moment speech is about functionality, ergonomics and comfort of
the furniture, not remembering already on her glory, just not discussed.
Such situation with the distribution of the place lasted until such
time, when our people for the first time revealed the opportunity to
personally participate in the распланировке the living space. In this
period began to crumble meaningless walls, with the help of which
increased the area of the kitchen. Directly then it is in our gates,
together with the areas of training began to appear the zone of its
reception - table, the purpose of which is to ensure ease of use of the
food the owners of the building and the verdict of time at the table
together with friends and family. Certainly, the quality of reception of
food and aesthetics of this process make the presence in the dining
room, in General, the housing is much more pleasant. Because really
elegant kitchen, may be made only on the order.
Any person
aspires to improve your own life and significantly improve its
conditions, however, as are those who have the ability to make a
separate building for the reception meal in the state of ordinary
housing it's not possible?